
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(嗳暖暖)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-10-22
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Abstract: In cross-cultural communications, people from two different cultures may often meet obstacles when they are on the table for meal, and different ideas of cultures will often lead to misunderstanding. This paper aims to analyze the differences of Chinese and western dietary culture and their mixture, to explain the reasons for those differences and to state how to avoid problems resulted from those differences.

Key words: Dietary culture, China and the west, difference, communication


摘要: 跨文化交际中,人们常常需要在一起进餐,从而在餐桌上的礼仪与饮食文化便成了人们之间必定会遇到的问题,处理不好,便会造成误解。本文根据中西方各自的饮食特点,试图分析双方的在饮食文化上的差异和交融,造成差异的缘由以及如何避免因差异造成的问题。

关键字: 饮食文化,中西方差异,交流

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Food is not just for a simple meal; diet has become a special culture. People pursue delicate courtesy on the table and elaborate arrangement among dishes as well as delicious food. In cross-cultural communication, dietary culture has a spec......