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Abstract:In the Middle Ages, Europe saw the emergence of chivalry and courtly love. As for the latter, scholars have held different points of view and attitudes. They argue that courtly love belongs to either mental love just like Plato’s concept or adultery that was banished by the Church at that time. However, they have ignored that courtly love was a specific and unique type of love and had its historical limitations, though sharing a lot in common with love in other historical times. The points of view about and attitudes to love in the Middle Ages held by people were critical. In accordance with European social systems, religious ideology and the knighthood at that time, this thesis mainly focuses on studying and analyzing courtly love and its values. Courtly love shows strong colors of anti-feudalism and anti-asceticism. The knights used various manners and ways to express loyalty to romantic love. To some extent, knight’s admiration and protection of ladies promoted the progress of civilization. Knight’s love to ladies showed the irresistible secular emotions and human feelings and had seriously and fiercely countered the feudal arranged marriage. At the same time, it was also a breakthrough in attacking the religious contempt for and devaluation of humanity and true love. In addition, we can know that people at that time had little self-consciousness. Therefore, courtly love can be regarded as the beginning of humanism in the Renaissance. However, due to practical considerations, courtly love between knight(s) and the Lady was permeated with hypocrisy. Finally, courtly love in the Middle Ages has a deep influence on the European society at large and, in particular, the views of love and marriage of later generations. Key words: courtly love; anti-asceticism; anti-feudalism; Practicalism; hypocrisy
中文摘要:在中世纪,欧洲社会目睹了骑士制度和典雅爱情的诞生。对于后者, 学者们常常持有不同点的观点。他们对典雅的爱情是属于柏拉图式的精神爱恋还是的通奸行为进行了争论,然而他们忽略了中世纪的典雅爱情的独特性和历史的局限性。尽管跟其他历史时期的爱情有着一定的共性,但是她还是被深深地打上了中世纪的烙印。人们对中世纪典雅爱情的看法和态度是批判性的。本文主要从中世纪欧洲的社会制度,宗教思想以及骑士成长环境等方面研究和分析典雅爱情这一历史现象。首先,中世纪典雅爱情具有强烈的反封建主义色彩和反禁欲主义的社会特征。骑士对爱情的追求体现在罗曼蒂克的追求方式和高雅优美的行为上。在整个中世纪骑士对贵妇人的崇拜和爱护的态度一定程度上推动了文明的进步,其影响甚至延续至今。其次,骑士对贵妇人的爱情体现了不可抗拒的世俗情感和人文情怀,严重批判了作为谋求政治经济利益的工具的封建包办婚姻。典雅爱情也是对宗教的蔑视和贬低人性的反拨以及对禁欲主义思想禁锢的一大突破,宣扬和鼓吹人性和爱情。在骑士追求典雅爱情的历史过程中,我们看到了人的自我意识的觉醒,这是对当时基督教中来世思想的反抗,也是近代欧洲人文主义思潮的开端。然而,基于现实的种种功利的考量,中世纪典雅爱情中骑士和贵妇人的爱弥漫着虚伪性。最后,中世纪骑士的典雅爱情对对欧洲社会产生了广泛而深远的影响,尤其是深刻地影响着几百年来人们的爱情观和婚姻观。 关键词:典雅爱情;反禁欲主义;反封建主义;功利性和虚伪性
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:They argue that courtly love belongs to either mental love just like Plato’s concept or adultery that was banished by the Church at that time. However, they have ignored that courtly love was a specific and unique type of love and had its ...... |