作 者: 机构地区:浙江工商学院东方语言文化大学,浙江杭州310018 出 处:《高教学刊》2017年第14期252-253,共2页Journal Of Higher Education 基 金:2017浙江省学院生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划“基于语料库的汉日翻译学习工具开发探讨”(编号:2017R408044); 2017国家级学院生创新项目“多场景碎片化社交型日语习得手机APP研发”(编号:GJ201722017) 摘 要:现今,教辅产品中的电子辞典已成为学日语最常用的工具之一,如何高效利用它促进教师教学和学生自主学习成了一个新起的课题。本探讨通过问卷调查和访谈的形式,对日语教师及学生进行了调查,深入发掘了电子辞典的"教与学"近况,并提出了改进建议。Nowadays, the electronic dictionary, as teaching aid, has become one of the most commonly used tools in learning Japanese. How to make use of it to promote the Japanese teaching and autonomous learning has become a new task. Based on questionnaire and interview, this study investigates teachers and students to make clear the present situation of "teaching and learning" with electronic dictionary and proposes suggestions for improvement. 关 键 词:电子辞典 日语学习 日语教学 访谈 问卷调查 分 类 号:G640[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学] ,日语毕业论文,日语毕业论文 |