
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:苏鹰 Su Ying(Hunan University)


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第6期9-15,共7页

基  金:湖南省哲学社科基金“日语接续表现系统理解机制的认知探讨”项目(项目号:12YBA073)的阶段性探讨成果

摘  要:时间条件、因果、转折之间由交叉的相似性网络构成了一个统一联系范畴。反应在复句中即以时间复句、条件复句、因果复句、转折复句构成了一个意义连续体。本文以接续助词「ト」为中心,讨论时间与条件联系的接点问题。通过对时间联系与条件联系的具体略论,明确了接续助词「ト」作为日语时间联系和条件联系接点的意义。之后,通过略论"X(前件)+接续助词「ト」+Y(后件)"结构中所包含的主体性意义与客体性意义,探明了「ト」的多意义用法间的连续性,从而明确了时间联系与条件联系之间连续性产生的原因。Connecting particles form a unitary category of relations combining intersecting similarity networks, time,conditions, transitions, and causes and effects.The following research is based on the connecting particle "to" in the Japanese language. Through a specific analysis of temporal and conditional relationships, the contact between these two elements becomes clear and definite. The first part of the paper will lead to the identification of the link significance between temporal and conditional relationships by the connecting particle "to". The analysis of the subjective meaning and the objective meaning in the grammatical structure First segment "X" + Connecting particle + Second segment "Y" proves that a continuity exists among various meanings and usages of the connecting particle "to". As a result, the paper clarifies the reason why the continuity exists between temporal and conditional relationships.

关 键 词:主体性 客体性 

分 类 号:H364[语言文字—日语]
