
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:戴玉金 DAI Yujin;Longyan University


出  处:《龙岩大学学报》2017年第1期69-73,共5页Journal of Longyan Univercity

基  金:福建省教育厅项目"外语教师专业发展机制的多维度探讨"(JB12270S);福建省教改项目"新建本科院校运用型外语人才培养模式的改革探讨与实践"(JAS151335).

摘  要:随着地方本科院校转型与改革的深入,日语本科教学遭遇到前所未有的内外困境,日语系的转型发展势在必行,这需要站在学科的横向发展和纵向发展的立场进行改革拓展尝试.只有进一步加强基础建设、夯实基础教育,日语系才能适应国家与地方的发展规划之需要,培养出未来社会所需要的技能技术型人才.With the further transformation of the local universities, the Japanese teaching has encountered unprecedented internal and external difficulties. In the face of such crises, the transformation and development of Japanese specialty is imperative and the reform should be expanded on the basis of transverse and longitudinal development of the course. Only further strengthening the basic construction and basic education of Japanese specialty can Japanese specialty cultivate the talents with good language skills, and can Japanese majors meet the needs of the development of the country and local economy.

关 键 词:新建本科院校 转型 日语系 发展 

分 类 号:G648.4[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
