
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:姚艳玲[1] 吴楠[1] 


出  处:《东北亚外语探讨》2017年第2期47-52,共6页

基  金:本文为大连外国语学院硕士探讨生创新项目“日语位移事件表达式的认知语言学探讨”(201784)的阶段性成果.

摘  要:本文基于认知语言学的观点,通过与デ格和ニ格表达式的对比,对表达路径语义的"ヲ格+位移动词"表达式的语义结构及事件结构特征进行了阐释。同一客观事件两种表达方式这一现象源于认知主体对同一认知框架内的不同部分发生了认知焦点的转移。"ヲ格+位移动词"表达式的认知焦点在于主体位移所形成的路径,而デ格和ニ格则分别突显的是位移动作发生的背景和归着点,语料中ヲ格与ニ格、デ格之间使用比例的异同,即多用ヲ格的使用状况也体现了日语位移动词的词汇化类型是动词框架语言这一类型学特征。The paper, based on the opinions of cognitive linguistics, compares "de" structure, "ni" structure and "wo" structure. After the comparison, the paper explains thoroughly the semantic structure and event structure of the expression "wo+motion verbs" .The phenomenon that two expressions can be used to describe one objective event originates from the cognitive focus shift within different parts in the same cognitive framework. The cognitive focus of the "wo" structure lies in the path of the moving object, while that of the "de" structure and "ni"structure lies in the motion's background and destination respectively. With the corpus analysis of the frequency of "wo", "hi" and "de'structure, the thesis concludes that the higher frequency of"wo" expressions also indicates the motion verbs in Japanese belong to the verb-framed language.

关 键 词:路径 认知焦点 

分 类 号:H363[语言文字—日语]
