
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:马永田 张洁玲[2] Ma Yongtian,Zhang Jieling(1.Lingnan Normal University;2.Shangqiu University)

机构地区:[1]岭南师范大学外国语大学 [2]商丘大学外国语大学

出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第6期34-41,共8页

摘  要:本文从认知识解理论的视角,研讨了日语量名结构的静态组合联系。探讨发现,当认知主体应用量词计量事物时,应用范畴化、突显、视角、详略度和隐喻等不同识解维度。如此,一方面量词对所计量事物起着范畴定位功能,导致"一量多物"现象;另一方面认知主体计量事物时,采用不同视角或注意焦点,由此产生"一物多量"的情形。在量、名组合中,量词的语义特性会激活并突显一类和二类实体名词的某种特质角色。此外,为了实现某种表达效果,认知主体也会借助隐喻去计量。Based on the construal theory in cognitive linguistics, this paper explores the static relationship of classifier-noun structure in Japanese, arguing that when people classify something, they usually employ such construal dimensions as categorization, salience, perspective, specificity and metaphor, as well. By so doing, the classifier can serve as a tool for grouping things, leading to the phenomenon of one classifier for multiple objects. On the other hand, different perspectives are attributive to the phenomenon of one noun with multiple classifiers. Moreover, when collocating with the first and second classes of substance nouns, the semantic properties of classifiers will activate some specific roles of these nouns. While collocating with the third class of substance noun, i.e. abstract noun, metaphors are more favored.

关 键 词:量名结构 范畴化 突显 视角 隐喻 

分 类 号:H059[语言文字—语言学]
