出 处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第5期47-54,共8页 摘 要:本文在前人对日语存在型体形式历史变迁的探讨成果的基础上,[1]从认知语言学的角度研讨了以存在动词「ある/いる」为词汇资源形成"动词テ形/ある/いる"这一表示进行、结果状态、完成、反复或习惯等体的意义的句法形式的过程,以及启动和促进这一语法化过程的因素,指出了存在动词「ある/いる」语法化成为"动词テ形/ある/いる"这一存在型体形式的诱因和机制,以及促使"动词テ形/いる"这一句法形式语法化程度不断提高的动因。Based on former studies on the historical changes of the existence type aspect in the Japanese language, this paper investigates the grammaticalization process of the"te form of verb/aru/iru"which demonstrates the proceedings, finished state, completion, repetition or habitual act, and such senses of the grammaticalization processes, and which stems from the existence verbs"aru/iru", from a cognitive linguistic perspective. It also explains the incentives that started the grammaticalization process and the driving force which pushed that process forward. 关 键 词:存在动词 存在行体形式 语法化 动因 机制 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语论文题目,日语论文 |