
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:寿舒舒[1] Shou Shushu


出  处:《科教文汇》2017年第24期42-43,共2页

基  金:基金项目:本文为浙江农林学院2017年度校级教学项目成果,项目名称“ICT在“旅游日语”课堂教学中的实践探讨”,项目号2017110043.

摘  要:ICT运用,侧重现代信息技术与交流沟通。如何有效运用ICT增加日语课堂的活力,日语论文,在本课题中以“旅游日语”课堂为试点,进行实践探讨。在教改探讨设计上首先进行问卷调查,其次,主要是围绕运用ICT的各个学习项目与技能目标的达成,日语论文,进行课程环节的创新。最后,是对中外文献的研读与理论总结,以及对实践论证的问卷、数据略论汇总。利用数码网络信息资源,建立一个集存取、下载、师生动态交流功能于一体的“旅游日语”教学资源库。ICT application lays emphasis on modern information technology and communication.With "Tourism Japanese" class as an example, this paper makes a practice-based research on how to effectively use ICT to activate Japanese class. The writer first made a questionnaire survey on the research and design of teach-ing reform, and then mainly implemented the innovation of cur-riculum procedures, focusing on the application of each learning project of ICT and the achievement of skill requirement. The final part is a research and theoretical summarization of domestic and foreign literatures, as well as an analysis and summarization of questionnaires and statistics proved by practice. Using digital network information resources,we can establish a "Tourism Japa-nese" teaching resources pool integrating storage, downloading, and teacher-student dynamic communication.

关 键 词:ICT 旅游日语 课堂教学改革 

分 类 号:G642[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
