
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:杨华[1] YANG Hua (College of Japanese, Dalian University, Dalian 116622, China)


出  处:《大连学院学报》2017年第6期128-130,共3页Journal of Dalian University

基  金:辽宁省教育科学“十二五”规划2017年度一般课题(JG11DB024).

摘  要:近年来,日资公司在中国的投资规模逐年缩小,直接导致对日语人才的需求减少,不少地区开始出现专业日语人才就业难的现象。并且,日企对日语人才的需求也出现多元化倾向,日语论文日语毕业论文,对单纯的日语翻译人才的需求逐渐降低,而技术型、管理型、财会性、销售型等有日语基础的多元化人才受到绝大多数日企的青睐。与由各高校统一组织的千篇一律的就业指导相比,日语系教师熟知日本公司文化,对日企的面试、笔试等流程相当了解,日企的发展动态、日企的用人需求变化等也是教师在教学、科研工作中不断调查和探讨的对象,在指导日语学习者顺利进入日企工作、提高毕业生适应日企工作岗位的能力方面具有独特的优势。因此,研讨根据市场对日语人才需求的变化来建立合理的就业指导体系就成为我们日语系教师的一大课题。In recent years, Japanese enterprises an investment in China has been gradually diminished leading to the reduced demand for Japanese speakers; the phenomenon has appeared in many districts. Japanese companies demand for Japanese speakers tends to be varied. While there is a reduced tendency in demand for Japanese translators but an increasing demands for technical, management, accounting, sales and other talents by Japanese companies. Compared with the same pattern of employment guidance of different colleges, Japanese major teachers know enterprise culture better. The dynamic development in Japanese companies and the change of their demands for talents are also the subjects in the teaching and research work. The teachers have unique advantages in guiding how to suit to Japanese companies and improve graduates’ capacity to their jobs. According to the changes in market the demand to establish reasonable employment system has become a major concern of Japanese teachers.

关 键 词:日企人才需求 就业指导 专业教师 

分 类 号:G642[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
