
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:马冰[1] MA Bing (Bohai University, Jinzhou, Liaoning 121013, China)


出  处:《邢台职业技术大学学报》2017年第3期16-18,共3页Xingtai Vocational and Technical College

摘  要:近几年来,学习日语的人越来越多,日语教学在中国较为盛行,而作为检验学习者学习成果的一种基准,对于日语教学评价探讨日益受到重视.当前,中国社会普遍认可的一种日语教学的评价基准是“日本语能力测试”(简称:JLPT),同时,国际社会上出现了一些新的日语教学评价标准.本文以在国际社会上作用力较为广泛的日语教学评价新理念之一--“OPI”评价体系为中心并对其进行略论探讨.In recent years, Japanese teaching is very popular in China. However, as a criterion for examining learners' learning outcomes, evaluation research of Japanese teaching is highly regarded. For the moment, Chinese society generally recognized that evaluation criterion of Japanese teaching is "The Japanes.e Language Proficiency Text" (short for JLPI). At the same time, some new evaluation standards of Japanese Teaching appear in international society. "OPI" evaluation system is one of the new ideals of Japanese Teaching Evaluation, which has wide influence in international society. Taking it as an example, the article analyzes and studies it.

关 键 词:日语教学 评价 OPi 

分 类 号:G642.0[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
