
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:张文池[1] ZHANG Wen-chi ( Suzhou Polytechnic Institute of Agriculture, Suzhou 215008, China)


出  处:《常州信息职业技术大学学报》2017年第3期87-89,共3页Journal of Changzhou Vocational College of Information Technology

摘  要:赞美应遵循“真诚性”准则,但在日语语用实践中,日语论文,常常出现下级乐于对上级真诚赞美却弄巧成拙的情况。从“礼貌策略理论”角度究其因,是缘于“评价式表扬”的肆意发挥,日语毕业论文,而忽视了“欣赏式赞美”才是下对上赞美的利器,以致无法达到赞美的“愉悦性”准则。When giving conlpliments, the principle of sincerity should be followed. However, in Japanese conversations, when subordinates praise the superior sincerely, the opposite effect occurs. Analyzed from the perspective of Politeness Theory, the reason for that is the overuse of evaluation type of compliments, and the neglect of the truth that appreciation type of compliments is the key of compliments from the subordinate to the superior. In this case, the pleasantness principle of compliments could not be achieved.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H369.9[语言文字—日语]
