
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:徐丽丽[1] XU Li-li (Changchun University of Technology, Changchun, Jilin 130012)


出  处:《石家庄经济大学学报》2017年第6期142-144,共3页Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics

摘  要:所谓课程设置是指一定学校选定的各门各类课程的设定和安排,主要包括课程结构与课程内容两大部分。其中课程结构是整个课程体系的骨架和纽带,合理的课程结构能够更加适应不同地区、不同地域经济文化的发展需求,凸显不同学校的不同文化特色,促进学生的个性发展,使各学科门类与各学科内容之间比例协调、衔接有序;课程内容是整个课程体系的中心和主体,合理的课程内容能够更加符合学生的心理需求,有助于学生更好地掌握科学文化知识,形成良好的学习态度。因此,以吉林省长春工业学院外国语大学日语系的课程设置实践探讨对象,采用文献探讨及问卷调查的措施进行深入略论,充分了解吉林省高校日语系学习者的实际需求,从而找出当前的课程设置与实践中的不足之处,最终达到优化教学资源配置,提高日语系教学质量的目的。Curriculum designing refers to the setting and planning of all kinds of courses offered by a university, which mainly includes curriculum structure and curriculum content. Curriculum structure,as the framework and tie of the whole curriculum system,can adapt to economical and cultural development in different regions if it is reasonably planned. Moreover,the distinctive cultural features of different universities may promote students’ personality development and make disciplines proportional to their contents. Curriculum content is the core and main body of the whole curriculum system. Reasonable arrangement of the content conforms to students’ psychological requirement. And it also contributes to students’ excellent command of knowledge and the development of their positive learning attitude. This thesis takes curriculum designing and practice for Japanese Major of School of Foreign Languages in Changchun University of Technology as research object,adopts the methods of literature research and questionnaire survey to make a profound analysis. Based on sufficient understanding of Japanese majors’ actual learning requirement in this university,the author tries to find deficiencies in curriculum designing and practice so as to realize the goal of optimizing the allocation of teaching resources and improving teaching quality of Japanese Major.

关 键 词:课程设置 教学效果 地方特色 竞争力 学分制 

分 类 号:G42[文化科学—课程与教学论;文化科学—教育学;文化科学—教育技术学]
