
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:刘洋[1,2] LIU Yang ( 1. School of Foreign Languages, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, LJilin, 130024 ; 2. East Language college, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150020)

机构地区:[1]东北师范学院外国语大学,吉林长春130024 [2]哈尔滨师范学院东语大学,黑龙江哈尔滨150020

出  处:《外国问题探讨》2017年第1期21-24,共4页

基  金:黑龙江省教育厅2017年度人文社会科学项目“伪满洲国文学探讨--异色的哈尔滨文坛”(编号:12532202);教育部人文社会科学探讨项目“后现代语境下的主流与边缘--日本当代女性文学探讨”(编号:10YJA752032);教育部人文社会科学探讨规划基金项目“伪满历史文化与现代中日联系”(编号:10YJAGJW013).

摘  要:在伪满洲国问题探讨的领域中,日语毕业论文,较之史学、只能说文学是起步较晚的后来者,这在中日两国的学界无不如此。这种情形出现的原因,不仅与学科的发展史相关,而且与学科的独特性不无关系。一言以蔽之,事实上文学探讨不但得益于史学探讨的基础与助力,而且自身的文献与史料发掘也一直面临许多困境和不足。战后六、七十年过去了,伪满时期的档案、书籍和期刊,在世界范围内无论是在轮廓还是细节的意义上,至今尚未完全解密。致使相当多的原始文献或长眠地下,或与历史的烟云一起随风飘散。从而使得后学者重塑文学历史的工作面临困境却又无法规避。本文是对伪满时期文艺类的出版物的搜集、整理和思辨,意在感知伪满文学史的真面,日语毕业论文,以期填补文学探讨的措施论和现代性的空白。In the field of Manchukuo studies, the literature research started later than history research. It is the same on research community between China and Japan. The cause of this phenomenon is that, which not only related to the history of the discipline development,but also contacted with the unique nature of the discipline. In a word,the literary studies not only benefit and basis from the historical research in fact, and its historical materials also have been facing many dilemmas and shortcomings. Sixty or seventy years later, after Second World War, the files, books and journals of Manchukuo have not yet been decrypted fully,whether in the sense of the contours or the details worldwide. This resulted in a number of original documents buried underground, with the wind and clouds of history. This makes academics who reshape the literary history face difficulties but can not avoid. This study is to gather, ponder and sort out the literary publications on Manchukuo period, and intended to sense the true face of Manchukuo's literary history, at last to fill the blank of methodology on the literature study.

关 键 词:伪满洲国 文学 日语书刊 

分 类 号:K265.61[历史地理—历史学;历史地理—中国史]
