作 者:李锋[1] LI Feng (Literature and Languages Sehool,Foshan University, Foshan 528000, China) 机构地区:[1]佛山科学技术大学文大学,广东佛山528000 出 处:《佛山科学技术大学学报:社会科学版》2017年第6期47-52,共6页Journal of Foshan University(Social Science) 摘 要:日语三段式谜语的“谜面”和“谜底”表面上看来似乎毫无联系,日语毕业论文,但是通过“共通点”可以发现它们之间存在某种关联。由于谜面和谜底有一定的间距.并不具有最大关联性,同时谜语是人为有意识创作的语言游戏,没有特定的对象,日语论文题目,所以要顺利推导出谜底需要借助猜谜者的语境知识。本文拟从认知语用学的角度阐释如何应用认知语境知识推导出合理的、出谜者所期待的谜底。There seems no connection between the riddle and its solution of a Japanese Syllogistic riddle. The two, in fact, are connected by some "shared points". It is found that there is discrepancy between the riddle and its answer, which may confine them to have ultimate relevance. Moreover, a riddle is an artificiai linguistic game produced consciously without specific audience. Therefore, a successful guess would rely on the contextual knowledge of the riddler. In view of these, this essay intends to interpret how to deduce reasonable and expected answer of a riddle from the perspective of cognitive pragmatics. 关 键 词:三段式谜语 分 类 号:H363[语言文字—日语] |