
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:贺黎[1] HE Li ( Foreign Languages Department, Changsha College, Changsha Hunan 410003, China)


出  处:《齐齐哈尔学院学报:哲学社会科学版》2017年第3期121-123,共3页Journal of Qiqihar University (Philosophy & Social Science Edition)

基  金:湖南省教育厅科研课题:动词的使动与起动交替:基于汉日英语的探讨(11C0109)

摘  要:日语使役句在汉译时,日语毕业论文,既有直译也有意译。本文通过对《挪威的森林》中日语使役句汉译的略论发现,一般在表示“强制”、“许可”以及“诱发”意义采用直译。当表示“放任不管”和“责任”的意义时通常采用意译。其中,日语毕业论文,由于汉语使宾动词“使”、“令”、“叫”、“让”等意义存在微妙异同,直译时需要根据汉语的语言习惯审慎翻译。意译中较为常见的有减译和换译的手法。不论是直译还是意译,都是以最好地表达句子主题为目的的。Japanese causative sentence' s translation is difficult for Japanese teaching and learning. According to the translation of Norway Forest, we can know that the method to translate Japanese causative sentences has literal translation and free translation. The causative verb " make ", " make ", " call ", " make "is commonly used in literal translation. And means of the causative verb has a little difference in Chinese. So they should be carefully used. The omission and the exchange translation is commonly used in free translation. Whether literal or free translation, the purpose is to find the best expression of the sentences.

关 键 词:使役句 直译 意译 

分 类 号:H365.9[语言文字—日语]
