作 者:王宇新[1] 机构地区:[1]北京第二外国语大学 出 处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期 65-72,共8页 摘 要:在日语语法探讨中",鳗鱼句"是一个颇受关注的探讨课题。近年来,越来越多的学者指出",鳗鱼句"并不是日语独有的现象,如汉语的"是字句"里就有与"鳗鱼句"相同的用法。本文在总结汉语"是字句"相关探讨的基础上,引入日语语法探讨中的"鳗鱼句"概念,对汉语中的"鳗鱼句"进行考察,根据"鳗鱼句"中主词和谓词的联系,将汉语中不需要特殊语境解释的"鳗鱼句"分为5大类。从日语的翻译方式来看,汉语中不需要特殊语境解释的"鳗鱼句"均可以采用「N1はN2だ」的句式。另外,根据N1与N2的联系不同,也可采用「N1はAP」或「N1はVP」的句式。Unagi sentences are one of the most studied research topics in the field of Japanese semantics.In spite of the fact that it was originally raised up as a special sentence structure in Japanese,more scholars find that it is not peculiar to the Japanese grammatical mode,such as the"Shi"sentence in Chinese.On the basis of a relative study of"Shi"sentences in Chinese,Unagi sentences in Chinese will be compared with those in Japanese.Referring to the relation between the subject and predicate,we will see that there are 5 categories of Unagi sentences in Chinese.From the aspect of Japanese translation,it is possible for all the Unagi sentences in Chinese,with no need for special explanation,to use the"N1 wa N2 da"sentence.Moreover,according to the different relation between N1 and N2",N1 wa AP"sentences and"N1 wa VP"sentences could also be used. 关 键 词:鳗鱼句 汉语 汉日对比 分 类 号:H315.9[语言文字—英语] ,日语毕业论文,日语毕业论文 |