作 者:杜爽 HUANG Xulin, HUANG Qinggui2 (1.oreign Language Department of Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, 350007; 2.Fuqing Branch of Fufian Normal University, Fuqing, Fufian, 350300) 机构地区:莆田大学,福建莆田351100 出 处:《福建师大福清分校学报》2017年第4期73-77,共5页Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University 摘 要:根据主句谓语是否带有意志性,「V 1うちに、V2」可分为两类:「V 1うちに、V2[+意志性]」和「V 1うちに、V2[-意志性]」,又根据意志或意图来源,「V 1うちに、V2[+意志性]」可再细分为:"说话人"意志句和"第三方"意志句。"说话人"意志句的语义为"趁着……做某事"含紧迫感;"第三方"意志句和「V 1うちに、V2[-意志性]」句的语义为"在……期间/过程中发生了某事"含意外感。V2是否带有意志性,以及意志性来源的主体共同影响,决定了「V 1うちに、V2」句的语义。V1构成了一个主句动作或事件发生的时间范围,但不对「V 1うちに、V2」句的语义产生直接作用。"V1+uchini,V2" is divided into two patterns: "V1+uchini,V2(+volition)" and "V1+uchini,V2(nonvolition) " according to whether the predicate of the main clause is volitional or not. In addition, "V1+uchini,V2(+volition)" is also divided into two patterns:volition of speaker and volition of third party according to the origination of volition. The volition of speaker pattern means to do something at once during the limited time. And the volition of third party means that something happens unexpectedly in the period of doing something. The semantic of "V1+uchini,V2" depends on whether V2 is a volitional verb or not, and also rest with the origination of volition. V1 shows the time scope of the main sentence, but it does not produce an effect on the semantic of the sentence pattern directly. 关 键 词:状态动词 持续动词 瞬间动词 意志动词 无意志动词 分 类 号:H363[语言文字—日语] ,日语论文,日语毕业论文 |