
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期43-48,共6页

摘  要:日本自古便有许多怪物·妖怪的传说,因给人一种心理真实感而一直为人所惧怕。然而,从18世纪下半叶起,妖怪经画师之笔被赋予某种角色形象,这种心理真实感便逐渐消褪。但通过赋予这种角色形象,妖怪成为小说、浮世绘等大众文化的题材而受到人们关注,被广泛接受。对利用河童传说振兴地方经济的活动以及《妖怪手表》等的河童形象加以略论,便会发现这些形象是在对河童传说做了选择与取舍之后增添许多人们的愿望与需求而创作出来的。其他妖怪形象也是基于同样原因塑造出来的,从而形成当今大众文化中的妖怪的高人气。Japan has many yōkai(legendary monsters) in its folklore from the past. People learned to fear them with a sense of reality. But in the 18 th century, yōkai became characters in print form. Therefore the sense of reality surrounding images of yōkai was gradually lost. People then became interested in yōkai characters, and accepted the mass culture versions of yōkai novels and ukiyoe. This paper analyzes kappa characters as an example of yōkai used for local economic revitalization activities and the animated series Yōkai Watch. The author argues that people have made choices based on the kappa folklore,adding various present-day wishes and requests into the kappa folklore. This is one of the reasons why the present-day kappa character has become so popular.

关 键 词:妖怪传说 

分 类 号:F811.9[经济管理—财政学]
