
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:杨立影 YANG Li-ying(School of Japanese Studies, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Tianjin 300204, China)


出  处:《渭南师范大学学报:综合版》2017年第20期37-41,共5页Journal of Weinan Teachers College

基  金:教育部人文社会科学重点探讨基地重大项目:东亚三国早期西学演化路径探讨(12JJD770024);天津外国语学院科研项目:明治大正时期日本传统曲艺与社会思潮探讨(13YB21)

摘  要:社会思潮最能反映社会变化.日本明治维新后,“文明开化”“自由民权”“国粹主义”“社会主义”等各种新思潮依次登场.在此背景下,传统曲艺不断适应变化中的历史风向,做出了符合时代变化的改革,加之良好的群众基础,在传播新思想方面发挥了重要影响.然而,又因其过于随波逐流,加之明治政府的利用,在甲午战争、日俄战争期间,曲艺又成为日本对外战争的宣传工具,这说明社会思潮同时给传统曲艺发展带来了消极作用.Ethos can always reflect Ae trend of social changes. Mter the Meiji restoration of Japan,a variety of new ideologic" trends such as athe civilization" , "freedom and people's rights" , wnationalism,, and usocialism,, greatly affected the plight of traditional folk arts in modem Japan. Under this background, the traditional folk art constantly adapted to those changes trough the industry leading. With the good mass base, it also prospered and played an important role in spreading new ideas in Meiji period. However, because it drifted blindly, and coupled with the use of the Meiji government, during the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War Quyi was regarded as a propaganda tool to waging wars for Japan.

关 键 词:明治大正 传统曲艺 社会思潮 

分 类 号:K313[历史地理—历史学;历史地理—世界史]
