
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王奕红 Wang Yihong (Japanese at School of Foreign Studies,Nanjing University)


出  处:《当代外国文学》2017年第4期166-171,共6页Contemporary Foreign Literature

基  金:国家社会科学基金项目“中上健次小说创作探讨”(13BWW022); 国家社科基金重大项目“战后世界进程与外国文学进程探讨”(11&ZD137)的阶段性成果; 江苏高校哲学社会科学重点探讨基地招标项目资助

摘  要:浅野丽《丧的领域:中上健次·著作探讨》是一部从"他者的伦理"角度集中研讨中上健次"路地"书写的新成果,其出发点围绕中上著作反歧视书写的逻辑可能性展开,尝试把握被遮蔽的"他者"即身置"丧的领域"的"被歧视者"的生存策略或动力机制。论著指出,中上文学"路地"书写的意义在于围绕有关"被歧视者"或"死者"的想象及"书写"伦理进行探究,在保障"异同"与"歧视"的前提及明确"被歧视者"身份归属的基础上,表达出"反歧视"的努力。本文从学术目标的创新、高度的理论自觉、具体研究文本的选取特色,以"死者"为轴线的略论技巧等几个方面对论著进行了评析。Uasano Urara's book The Realm of Death:A Study of Kenji Nakagami's Works studies Kenji Nakagami's Roji narrative in view of the ethics of the other.The anti-discrimination writing in Nakagami's works,according to the book,reveals the survival strategies or dynamic mechanism of the "other",or those discriminated against in the realm of death.The book argues that Roji narrative significantly explores the imagination of those discriminated against or dead and considers writing ethics,making antidiscrimination efforts while distinguishing between differentiation and discrimination to identify those discriminated against.This paper analyzes the originality,theoretical awareness,text selection,and analytical skills of the book.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:G236[文化科学]
