
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王晶[1] 杨鹏宇[2] 张姗[2] Wang Jing;Yang Pengyu;Zhang Shan;

机构地区:[1]辽宁学院外国语大学日语专业,沈阳110036 [2]辽宁学院探讨生院,沈阳110036

出  处:日本探讨》2017年第4期89-96,共8页Japan Studies

基  金:辽宁省社会科学届联合会2017年度立项(2017lslktziwx-18)

摘  要:21世纪,日本文坛中一批独具创新意识的年轻80后新锐女作家纷纷崛起。她们站在时代背景下对整个人生进行思考,将成长过程中的虚无、寂寥、苦恼等等(包括同性恋的苦恼),付诸笔端,她们以自己独到的艺术视角,崭新的文学理念,冲击的文学文字,匠心变化的艺术手法,将"青年女性如何适应社会、融入社会"这个主题融入到每一部著作中。本文以绵矢莉莎、金原瞳、青山七惠、朝吹真理子这几位80后芥川奖获得者和河崎爱美、井上路望等80后畅销书作家为中心,探究日本80后女作家自我成长救赎。In the 21 st century,a group of young women writers born after 1980 sequentially rose in Japanese literature, who owned a unique sense of innovation. They pondered over their whole lives under the background of that era embodying their growth of emptiness, loneliness, distress(including homosexuality), and est. in writing. They put the topic of "how of young women adapt to the society and integrate into the society" into their daily work with a distinctive vision of art,a new concept of literature, a striking impact of literary text and an ingenious changing of artistic expression. This essay mainly focuses on after 80's writers,discussing a self-growth and self-redemption of after 80's women writers in Japan.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:I106[文学—世界文学]
