
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:单娟 Shan Juan


出  处:《亚太经济》2017年第4期90-95,共6页Asia-Pacific Economic Review

摘  要:日本进入老龄社会的时间比较早,养老地产业的发展水平很高。表现在:日本对于老年地产的法学法规全面且具体;日本对老年居所的规划非常成熟,产品丰富,配套服务完善;由于有政府资助和护理保险制度,日本的老年地产都有一定规模的盈利。中国是全世界老年人口最多的国家,日语论文题目,中国的养老地产业还处于起步阶段,日语毕业论文,产业相关的政策细则不够明晰、老年居所数量不足、护理服务低水平设置、公司尚未找到明确的盈利模式。日本发展养老地产业的一些经验值得中国借鉴。Pension industry is highly developed in Japan, which is shown in the following aspects: laws anct regulations are comprehensive and specific for the pension industry; Japan's housing plan for the old is mature, the products are abundant and the services are perfect; moreover, the pension industry has a certain amount of profits due to government fund support and nursing insurance system. By contrast, China's pension industry is still under development: the industrial policy is not clear; the supply of real estate for the old people is insuffi- cient; nursing services and configurations are on a low level; furthermore, the profit model of the industry is not clear. Therefore, Japan's experience of pension industry is worth learning.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:F062.9[经济管理—政治经济学]
