
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:汪帅东 李腾龙 


出  处:《东北亚外语探讨》2017年第2期21-26,共6页

摘  要:甲午战争之后,中国内忧外患频仍,国运岌岌可危,满清王朝为维护其统治,以强者为师,全面推行改革刻不容缓。在此背景下,比之于取法西洋,以日为师更为高效、理性、务实,也更易解燃眉之急;而这一切自然离不开日语译员的参与。鉴于此,清政府一方面选派赴日留学生,一方面聘请日本教习来华,双管齐下,这在一定程度上缓解了日语翻译人才的短缺。此外,制度上的支持和保障激励了一批国内有志青年从事日语翻译,加速了日语翻译人才的培养,提升了日语翻译人才的政治和社会地位。可以说,甲午战争拉开了中国通过日文翻译西学的序幕,近代中国日语翻译人才培养机制始具雏形。After the Sino-Japanese War, faced with domestic troubles and foreign invasion, China was in imminent danger of collapse. In order to maintain its rule, the Qing Dynasty started to learn from the advanced countries and undertook overall reforms without any delay. Under this circumstance, learning from Japan was more efficient, reasonable, and feasible, and it was easier to tackle with the problems. Obviously, all these were closely tied to Japanese-Chinese translation. In view of this, on one hand, the central government of Qing dynasty sent students to study in Japan. On the other hand, Japanese teachers were invited to teach in China, which alleviated to some extent the shortage of Japanese translators. What’s more, the support and guarantee from the policy encouraged some youth to devote themselves to Japanese translation, which accelerated the cultivation of Japanese translators and the policy improved their political and social status. Through analysis, conclusion comes that after the Sino-Japanese War, the training model of Japanese translators began to take on new features, which is, systematical, organized and in enlarged scale.

关 键 词:甲午战争 赴日留学生 日本教习 日语翻译人才培养机制 

分 类 号:G1[文化科学]
