作 者:张佩霞[1] 吴宇驰 Zhang Peixia (Female) Japanese Linguistics Study Japanese Teaching Study Wu Yuchi (Male) Postgraduate Student at Hunan University 机构地区:[1]湖南学院 出 处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第6期42-50,共9页 基 金:2017年度湖南省教改课题项目“国际化框架下日语系人才培养模式探讨”;日本学术振兴会科学探讨补助金(基础探讨(B))“中国国内日语学习者历时中介语语料库的建设和动词的习得过程探讨(22320173)”的探讨成果 摘 要:2l世纪以来,日语毕业论文,国内日语教育事业蒸蒸日上,取得的成就有目共睹,而日语教学探讨也随之有了长足的进展。为了考察近10年来日语教学探讨发展的轨迹及近况,为今后的相关探讨在选题范围、选题方向等方面提供借鉴,本文对日语学界具有代表性的《日语学习与探讨》杂志2017-2017年刊行的日语教学类和二语习得类论文进行了统计略论,日语论文,并与日本发行的《日本语教育》杂志2017年度各期相关论文进行了比较,希望能为国内日语教学探讨的发展尽一份力。Japanese language education in China has enjoyed solid momentum and achieved stunning results since the beginning of the 21 st century, and this has been matched by dramatic progress in the study of Japanese language teaching. To investigate the status and development path of research on Japanese language education in this decade, we conducted a statistical analysis of articles relating to Japanese instruction and SLA, which were published between 2017 and 2017 in the Journal of Japanese Language Study and Research, a typical representative in this field. In addition, the paper employs a comparison between the relevant papers, all of which were published in Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language (published in Japan) and the Journal of Japanese Language Study and Research. 关 键 词:国内 日语教学 二语习得 综述 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] |