
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王连娣[1] WANG Lian - di (Japanese Dept. , Liaoning College of Foreign Trade, Dalian Liaoning 116052, China)


出  处:《菏泽大学学报》2017年第6期113-117,共5页Journal of Heze University

摘  要:谚语是人类语言和智慧的结晶,是语言中十分具有文化底蕴的艺术形式,它的形成受到了自然条件和社会条件双重因素的作用.从日语谚语的定义着手,探求其起源及发展,略论多国文化因素对其产生的作用.Proverbs is the crystallization of human language and wisdom, a kind of art form with full cultural diposits in the language, known as the encyclopedia of cuhure, it has always been fond of listening and telling, and enduring. It is formed by double factors of natural condition and social condition. From cultural perspective, it also affected by the local culture and foreign culture at same time. Besides local culture, the biggest influence on it is Chinese culture. Japan is the adjacent country with China, their history and culture goes back to ancient times. Therefore, there is countless ties between Japan and China at both word sign and language. This paper, starting from the definition of Japanese proverbs, has explored its origin and development, try to discuss the impact of the muhicuhure factors on it.

关 键 词:日语谚语 本土文化 异国文化 中国文化 

分 类 号:H034[语言文字—语言学]
