
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:陈力卫[1] 


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期 29-38,共10页

摘  要:我们都知道近代日语有一个[汉语]剧增的时期,但在解释这一现象时,以往多以昙花一现来形容之,但实际的杂志用语调查却告诉我们:明治时期的1874—1909年间[汉语]占到70%以上,只有进入大正时代其势头才开始减弱。对这一现象的成因,过去也多认为是由近代日本吸收西学而产生的[汉语]所导致的,但却对其内涵没有做过实际具体的略论,日语论文,此文旨在阐明这一概念的误导所引起的混乱,并对这类[汉语]的归属及词源验证法提出质疑。It is known that there has been a steep increase in the number of Chinese loanwords, or "kango," in modern Japanese, which is usually described as a transient phenomenon. However, as a result of a study of magazine expressions, it can be seen that "kango" accounted for more than 70% of Japanese from 1874 to 1909 in the Meiji era, and it is not until the Taisho era that this increase began to decline. The reason for this phenomenon is traditionally considered to be the appearance of "shin-kango" which was brought in by the import of Western knowledge, but there has been a lack of further analysis on this explanation. This paper aims to clarify the confusion caused by the concept of "shin-kango" and question the etymology involved.

关 键 词:日语借词 中日语言交流史 

分 类 号:H315.9[语言文字—英语]
