
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:蒋娟[1] Jiang Juan


出  处:《科教文汇》2017年第31期133-133,148共2页

摘  要:谈词语的意合.不能不提到复合词:谈短语的意合,日语论文日语论文,不能忽略成语俗谚;谈句子的意合。不能不提紧缩复句。汉语紧缩复句凝练精短,注重“意合”.言者以意缩句.闻者以意会之.这在别国语言里是少见的。但当前对于汉语紧缩句的定义及归属问题.学者们争论不休。源于此原咽。本文试图从汉语“……就……”紧缩旬的日译角度、从句子自身特点来探究日汉语的共同特点.找出相似的规律.以期对语法探讨有所补充。Chinese compact sentence is concise and short, which focus on "Parataxis". By it, the speaker and listeners can communication freely. It is rare in the language of other country. But scholars argued with its definition and attribution. For this reason, this article attempts from " ……" then compact sentence's Japanese translation angle, from the sentence itself features to explore the common charac- teristics between the Chinese and the Japanese to supply useful information to grammar research.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
