
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:邱根成[1] Qiu Gencheng (Male) Professor at Shanghai University of International Business and Economics Japanese Linguistics Study


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第6期21-26,共6页

摘  要:在现代汉日词汇结构中,有许多偏义双汉字复合词。现代汉语属于语义偏重型,日语中还具有语用偏重型。前者为古汉语的继承与发展,后者或许受到日语句法作用。前者结构多为对立或并立,后者结构基本为动宾形式。不仅在汉日词汇中有相当数量,而且有些呈现不断增加的迹象,日语论文题目,使偏义词凸显新的探讨价值。从构词法角度确立偏义结构,对解释语言现象不无意义。In the structure of modem Chinese and Japanese vocabulary, there are many partial meaning double characters in the form of compound words. Modem Chinese belongs to the semantic partial meaning. There are also pragmatic slant partial meaning words in Japanese vocabulary. The former is a development from ancient Chinese, while the latter may be influenced by Japanese syntax. The former structure is mainly side-by-side or in opposition, while the latter structure is basically verb-object form. Considering that a great amount of deflected partial meaning words exist in Chinese and Japanese, and they tend to increase in number, the study of deflected partial meaning words has new value. It is a valuable opportunity to find biases in structure from the perspective of word-formation in order to explain the partial language phenomenon.

关 键 词:偏义词 复合词 结构 语义 语用 

分 类 号:H313[语言文字—英语]
