动词“开”是最经常使用的古代汉语动词之一,所包括的义项庞杂,分歧义项之间同享必定的语义属性,但义项之间的分工不尽雷同,重要表示在句法和语义上。本文以动词“开”的分歧义项为研究对象,联合现实语料,重要考核动词“开”的句法、语义特色,提醒动词“开”的句法和语义表示之间的互动关系。本文共包含五个部门,个中注释四章,外加绪论。第一章研究了动词“开”的义项和各义项之间的语义引伸机制。起首,肯定动词“开”的根本义;其次,借助原型实际和家族类似性道理研讨了动词“开”的语义引伸机制,构成动词“开”的语义系统。第二章剖析了动词“开”的根本语义特点。起首,考核了动词“开”的自立性和非自立性,然后对自立动词“开”与非自立动词“开”在句法层面上的表示停止剖析;经由过程对动词“开”连续性和非连续性语义特点的考核,总结出动词“开”的分歧义项所具有的语义特点。第三章探寻了动词“开”的进程构造及其与句子指涉类型的关系。起首,剖析了动词“开”的分歧义项的进程构造;其次,考核了动词“开”的分歧义项在实际句和非实际句中的句法特色。第四章对“开”做谓语时的句法特点停止了研究。起首,对动词“开”所带宾语的构造类型和语义类型及其典范性,和动词“开”与宾语之间涌现的定语的语义停止了剖析与考核;其次,对动词“开”所带补语的构造类型和语义指向停止了剖析与考核;最初,考核了动词“开”对句式的选择。 Abstract: The verb "open" is the ancient Chinese verb is one of the most frequently used items, including numerous differences between the semantic attribute must share the meaning, but the meaning between the division of labor is not identical, important in the syntactic and semantic representation. This is a different meaning verb "open" as the research object, combined with practical data, an important assessment of verb "open" syntactic and semantic features, the interactive relationship between the verb "open" to remind the syntactic and semantic representation. This paper consists of five parts, including four chapters, plus an introduction. The first chapter discusses the semantic meanings of verbs between "open" and each meaning extension mechanism. First of all, certainly the verb "fundamental righteousness"; secondly, with the help of the actual prototype and family resemblance principle discussed extension mechanism of semantic verb "open", "open" verb semantic system. The second chapter analyzes the basic semantic features of the verb "open". First of all, the assessment of the verb "open" independence and non independence, and then to the independent verb "opening" and "open" non independence verb in syntactic level representation analysis; through the process of the verb "open" continuity and discontinuity of semantic features of the assessment, summed up the semantic features of the verb ". The differences of meaning. In the third chapter, the structure of the process of verb "opening" and its relationship with the types of sentences are analyzed. First of all, analyze the process of constructing the verb "open" meaning differences; secondly, the assessment of differences "on" verb meanings in actual sentences and non actual sentence syntactic features. In the fourth chapter, the syntactic features of the "open" predicate are discussed. First of all, the semantic meaning of the verb "open" with the object is analyzed and the model is analyzed. Secondly, the structural type and the semantic direction of the verb "opening" are analyzed. 目录: 中文摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4 绪论 6-10 0.1 问题的提出 6 0.2 探讨综述 6-9 0.3 考察范围 9 0.4 语料来源 9-10 第一章 动词“开”的语义引申 10-19 1.1 动词“开”的义项整理措施 10 1.2 动词“开”基本义的确定 10-11 1.3 动词“开”的语义引申略论 11-17 1.3.1 与“开”搭配的事物名词的意义类型 12 1.3.2 动词“开”的语义引申机制 12-17 1.4 本章小结 17-19 第二章 动词“开”的语义特征 19-29 2.1 自主性和非自主性 19-23 2.1.1 自主性和非自主性 19-20 2.1.2 自主动词“开”和非自主动词“开”在句法层面的表现 20-23 2.2 持续性和非持续性 23-28 2.3 本章小结 28-29 第三章 动词“开”的过程结构 29-36 3.1 动词“开”的过程结构 29-30 3.2 “开”的过程结构与句子指涉类型的关系 30-34 3.3 本章小结 34-36 第四章 动词“开”做谓语时的句法特征 36-64 4.1 动词“开”所带宾语的类型略论及典型性考察 36-49 4.1.1 宾语的界定 36 4.1.2 动词“开”所带宾语的类型略论 36-43 4.1.3 动词“开”所带宾语的典型性考察 43-45 4.1.4 动词“开”与宾语之间定语的语义略论 45-49 4.2 动词“开”所带补语的类型略论及语义指向考察 49-59 4.2.1 动词“开”所带补语的类型略论 49-57 4.2.2 动词“开”所带补语的语义指向 57-59 4.3 动词“开”对句式的选择 59-63 4.3.1 一价动词“开”的句式 59-60 4.3.2 二价动词“开”的句式 60-63 4.4 本章小结 63-64 参考文献 64-68 致谢 68 |