与其他学科教授教养一样,进修念头在在法语教授教养中异样弗成或缺。乃至在必定水平上决议了先生能否可以或许取得幻想的进修后果。对于本篇论文中的研究对象-不法语系先生而言,他们的年纪跨度、职业跨度和用在法语进修上的时光与法语系先生比拟存在很年夜差别,招致其进修后果普通不如后者,轻易发生懒惰情感,作用其进修念头。另外,因为他们个中年夜多半人是受兴致使令而修习该语种,法语毕业论文,是以坚持他们的进修念头加倍相当主要。由于一旦其对课程掉去兴致,平日会表示为上课出席,继而作用他们法语进修的连续性。鉴于滑稽在教授教养中可以或许惹人失笑、营建优越进修气氛、激起先生进修兴致,法语论文,我们可否将滑稽应用到这类先生人群的法语教室中以期增强其进修念头并赞助其到达说话、文明和外交方面的进修目的?在本篇论文中,我们将起首对滑稽停止界说、并扼要引见其在教导范畴和法语教授教养中的成长汗青。随后,我们将借助心思学中的“马斯洛需求金字塔实际”和“情绪过滤实际”来进一步理幽静默与念头之间的关系及前者作用后者的心思机制。最初,我们将拔取不法语系先生为研究对象,将滑稽应用于其教室理论中,以期验证滑稽在增强不法语系先生进修念头方面的有用性并摸索分歧的滑稽情势在法语教授教养理论中的应用。 Abstract: As with other disciplines, the idea of learning is in French language teaching as well as the lack of. And even in a certain extent, it is necessary to determine whether the extent of the dream of mr.. In this thesis, the research object - no French speaking, their age span, professional span and the time and the French language learning in French speaking, there is a very big difference, lead to the consequences of their learning is not as good as the latter, easy to occur lazy, the idea of learning. In addition, because they are a middle-aged man is the most Xing order and studying the language, is to insist on their learning motivation mainly doubles. As soon as it is in the interest of the course, the day will be represented as a class, and then it will affect the continuity of their French learning. In view of the funny may be laughed at, construction of learning atmosphere, inspire students to learn excellent spirits in the teaching, we will use this kind of funny to the crowd in the classroom Mr. French in order to enhance its learning motivation and help them to speak, civilization and diplomatic aspects of the learning objectives? In this thesis, we will first stop on the funny definition, and gave a brief introduction in the teaching and teaching in the category of French history. Subsequently, we will use the idea of the "Maslow needs Pyramid actual" and "emotional filtering" to further the relationship between the quiet and the idea of the former and the latter's psychological mechanism. At first, we will choose the non French professional for the research object, will be used in the theory of the classroom, in order to verify the validity of the comic in the enhancement of the idea of learning and explore the differences of the comic situation in French teaching theory. 目录: Remerciements 4-5 摘要 5 Resume 6-7 TABLE DES MATIERES 7-9 Introduction 9-11 Chapitre I. L'humour et 1'enseignement du franfais langue etrangere 11-26 1.1. La deifnition de 1'humour 11-18 1.1.1 Une forme desprit 11-14 1.1.2 Un vrai humour 14-17 1.1.3 Un moyen pour motiver les apprenants 17-18 1.2 L'historique de recherches sur 1'humour en franfais langue etrangere 18-26 1.2.1 Lhumour en education 18-20 1.2.2 L'humour dans 1'enseignement du franfais langue etrangere 20-26 Chapitre II'. Lhumour et la motivation 26-36 2.1 La motivation et la Pyramide de Maslow 26-30 2.1.1 La deifnition de la motivation 26-27 2.1.2 La motivation intrinseque et la motivation extrinseque 27-28 2.1.3 La Pyramide des besoins de Maslow 28-30 2.2 L'humour, le ifltre affectif et la motivation 30-36 2.2.1 La theorie du ifltre affectif. 30-32 2.2.2 La motivation et le ifltre affectif. 32-33 2.2.3 Le ifltre affectif et l'humour 33-36 Chapitre III L'application de l'humour dans 1'enseignement du franfais langue etrangere 36-60 3.1 L'analyse sur la speciifcite de la classe des eleves du franfais non-specialise28 36-42 3.2 Les objectifs pedagogiques dans 1'enseignement du franfais langue etrangere34 42-46 3.3 Le choix de l'humour et son application dans la pratique 46-60 3.3.1. Lhistoire drole 48-51 3.3.2. La contrepeterie 51-52 3.3.3. Le jeu de mots 52-54 3.3.4. La devinette 54-56 3.3.5. La blague sous forme de dessin 56-58 3.3.6. Le programme audio-visuel 58-60 Conclusion 60-63 Bibliographic 63-67 Annexe 67-75 Annexe I 67-69 Annexe II 69-72 Annexe III 72-74 Annexe IV 74-75 |