中国固然不属于“法语世界”国度,但她极年夜地推进了法语的流传。中公法语教授教养始于1850年创建的徐汇公学,和1863年京师同文馆开设的法理科,迄今已有一百六十多年的汗青。时至现代,中公法语教授教养曾经树立起自力的学科系统,范围之年夜,成长速度之快,使人注视。在此配景下,我们不雅察到一对互为抵触的景象:一方面,中国外语教授教养界,包含法语教授教养界开端频仍说起“中国外语教授教养法”这一概念,另外一方面,对于此概念的公道性及界说,学界还没有停止相干的深刻阐述,有待明义以驱除浑沌。此类教授教养法研究对于法语教授教养界显得尤其需要。中公法语教授教养固然汗青悠长,但一向缺少对外乡教授教养经历的实际总结,障碍了教授教养常识与技巧的同享与延续。本研究旨在厘清中国漫长的法语教授教养法演化过程(1880年-至今),经由过程梳理汗青,并对教授教养理论运动停止教授教养法实际层面的剖析,提醒“中国外语教授教养法”发生的年月、演化的学术头绪,和现实内在。本研究环绕两条主线睁开,二者犬牙交错,互为弥补。第一条主线为用时性研究,依照时光头绪,展示1880年以来中公法语教授教养界顺次引入、并在理论中应用的重要教授教养法派别和更迭进程。依据法语教授教养各个时代所表现的教授教养法特色,可界定出以下六个阶段:外语教授教养“办法认识”的萌芽阶段(17-18世纪),传统教授教养法时期(19世纪后半叶),直接教授教养法时期(1920-1949),苏联教授教养法时期(19世纪50年月),“调和主义”思潮作用时代(1960年-至今),对本国外语教授教养法“身份特征”的反思、诉求阶段(1990年-至今)。第二条主线为共时性研究,以每个特定的教授教养法时期为研究对象,经由过程与之相干的汗青史料(学术谈吐、教授教养年夜纲、课程表、教材、反应教室运动的回想录、采访),剖析主流教授教养法实际在其作用时期自上而下的“纵向”贯彻状态,包含实际论述、教材编写、教室理论三个阶段,以提醒中公法语教授教养从业者在理论中论述、改革教授教养法实际的独无方式。上述研究显示,中公法语教授教养法演化的汗青是一个赓续引进外来教授教养法思惟的进程,但是,.在这一进程中,相干从业者并没有自觉扈从东方教授教养思惟,而是在与之碰撞的第一刻起,即表示出了融会、异化的认识,经由过程博采众长,在各类教授教养法思惟中追求均衡点,摸索顺应外乡教授教养的最好办法,而且在历久理论中发明出了卓有成效的详细操作形式。遗憾的是,因为缺少实际的总结及支撑,这类普遍实施的“融会的艺术”仅逗留在自觉、经历主义阶段,未能演化成教授教养法律理意义上的自力的“教授教养法派别”。最初,对于“中国外语教授教养法”概念的诉求,现实上表现了中国外语界,包含法语界寻求“身份特征”,盼望被世界认同的心态,中国外语教授教养独有的汗青、政治演化过程为其供给了公道的心思根据。本研究归结、记载下了中公法语教授教养在漫长成长进程中发生的宝贵思惟及经历,为从事法语教授教养的宽大教员供给了停止教授教养法实际研究及平常教授教养理论的参考材料。同时,经由过程对教授教养运动的反思,它期冀唤起法语教授教养界对教授教养法实际研究的兴致,和完成办法论指点下的教授教养的盼望。最初,经由过程回想法语教授教养办法的演化过程,它有助于法语教授教养界同仁树立对本学科的准确熟悉,懂得教授教养法意义上的“我们从哪里来”,和“我们是谁”,并将有助于指点将来“到哪里去”。 Abstract: Although China does not belong to the "French speaking world", but she is very much to promote the spread of french. Public French teaching began in 1850 created Xuhui college, and in 1863 Tungwen College opened the methods of science, so far, more than 160 years of history. At the modern times, in the teaching of French and French teaching have set up the independent discipline system, the scope of the eve of the growth rate of the rapid, so that people look at. Under this background, our observations to a pair of conflicting scene: on the one hand, China's foreign language teaching circle, contains French teaching industry began to frequent mentions the concept of "China's foreign language teaching method", on the other hand, about this concept is reasonable and the definition, academia has not stopped the coherent profoundly expounded to be Ming Yi to ward off chaos. The teaching method of this kind of teaching method is especially needed in French teaching. Public French teaching although the history is long, but always lack of of indigenous teaching experience summary, barriers to the sharing and continuity of teaching knowledge and skills. The purpose of this study is to clarify the evolution process of French teaching in China (1880 - up to now), review the history of the process, and analyze the practical aspects of teaching theory, and remind the "Chinese foreign language teaching method". The discussion around the two main line opened, the two mutually make up be zigzag. The first line is used in research and in accordance with the time clue, showing 1880 since public French teaching field sequential introduction, and be used in the theory of important teaching method factions and change process. According to the characteristics of the teaching methods in French, the six stages can be defined as the embryonic stage (17-18 century), the traditional teaching method (nineteenth Century), the direct teaching method (1920-1949), the Soviet Union (nineteenth Century 50), and the "identity" of the national foreign language teaching. The second line is synchronic study, to each specific teaching period as the research object, through the process and the relevant historical materials (Academic conversation, teaching of the eve of the outline, curriculum, teaching materials, reaction, Faculty of memoirs and interviews), analysis of the mainstream granted rearing method practical in its influence period from top to bottom in the "vertical" implement state, contains the practical exposition, the compilation of teaching materials, classroom theory of three stage, reminds the public French teaching practitioners in the theoretical discussion and practical teaching reform, no single way to teach. The research shows that public French teaching method evolution history is a continuously introducing foreign teaching method of thinking process, but. In this process, coherent practitioners did not consciously squire Oriental teaching thought, but and collision of the first moment, the knowledge fusion, alienation, through the process of absorbing, in all kinds of teaching fath however the pursuit of balance, and explore conform to the best way to indigenous teaching, and in the long-term theory invented a fruitful with operation form. Unfortunately, because of the lack of practical summary and support, the universal implementation of "fusion of art" only stay in consciousness, experience the socialist stage, has not been able to evolve into the teaching law sense of self "teaching method factions. At first, the concept of "Chinese foreign language teaching method", the reality of the Chinese foreign language circles, including the French community to seek "identity", and hope to be recognized by the world state of mind, the unique history of Chinese foreign language teaching, political evolution process for its supply of the public road, according to. This study summed up the valuable ideas and experiences in the development of the teaching of French and French teaching in the long course of development. At the same time, through the reflection of the process of teaching, it is hoped to arouse the interest of the practical research of the teaching method of the teaching method, and the hope of the teaching of the professor. At first, through the process of the evolution of the French teaching method, it helps to establish a correct understanding of the discipline of the French, and to understand the meaning of the teaching of "where we come from," and "who we are", and will help to guide the future ". 目录: |