在对越南的外来词的研究中,法语论文题目,普通集中于汉语借词的研究。从语音、辞汇、词义和语法等方面都有人研究过了。不外很少有人将汉语和法语的借词停止比较研究的。本文试图从这方面停止研究,想要从中发明说话类型对借词的发生、借入门路、借入措施等方面会发生甚么样的作用。本文分四章对其停止了商量。第一章是绪论,第二章是商量法语和汉语的借词是若何借入越南语中的。第三章则是商量说话类型若何作用了越化措施。本章分离从语音、辞汇、语法三个方面详细描写了汉语借词和法语借词在越南语中越化措施和详细表示。最初一章是对汉语借词和法语借词停止比拟,解释了它们的雷同点和分歧点,并总结出了一些纪律。1、我们发明说话类型确切作用到了汉语和法语借词进入越南的许多方面。好比说语音上的越化措施就分歧。汉语借词在越南语中有壮大的构词才能,而法语却没有几个能用作构词语素的。2、我们以为两者接触时光犬牙交错,对越南语作用力的年夜小天然也纷歧样。汉语与越南语有两千年的接触汗青,在这一点上法语是瞠乎其后的。3、从地舆地位上看,中越两国相邻,有移平易近、通婚景象。法国与越南没有地区接触,移平易近和通婚的人数很少。说话接触的深度确定纷歧样,法语毕业论文,所以法语对越南语的作用的深度远不及汉语对越南的作用。4、我们以为越南曾经对汉越词造词构成了某种途径依附。这重要是汉语与越南语的接触时光长远形成的。从汉语对越南语的音调、构词这两方面便可以看到汉语对越南语的作用有多深。构成了途径依附是天然的事。 Abstract: In the study of Vietnamese foreign words in the discussion focused on the common Chinese loanwords. It has been discussed in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary, meaning, grammar and so on. But very few people will stop the Chinese and French loanwords comparative research. This article attempts from the aspects of research, to the invention of the talking type on the pretext of occurrence, borrowing opportunities, borrowing methods from happen what kind of effect. This paper is divided into four chapters to discuss it. The first chapter is the introduction, the second chapter is to discuss how the French and Chinese loanwords borrowed in vietnamese. The third chapter is to discuss how to speak more types of influence method. This chapter separates from the speech, speech vocabulary, grammar three aspects is a detailed description of the Chinese Loanwords and the French loan words in Vietnamese Sino Vietnamese method and a detailed representation. The first chapter is on Chinese Loanwords and French loanwords compared explain their similarities and differences, and sums up some discipline. 1, we present the exact type to speak Chinese and French loanwords into many aspects of vietnam. For example, the voice on the more ways to divide. A word can expand the Chinese Loanwords in Vietnamese and French, but few can be used as a morpheme. 2, we think that the contact time of the zigzag, Vietnamese influence natural size is also different. Chinese and Vietnamese have contact history of two thousand years, at this point is to fall far behind the french. 3, from the geographical position, China and Vietnam are adjacent, there are moving people, marriage scene. France and Vietnam did not contact the region, the number of immigrants and the number of mixed marriages. To contact depth determination is different, so the depth of the French influence on Vietnamese far less than the influence of Chinese in vietnam. 4, we think that Vietnam has been to the Chinese Vietnamese word made up a certain way to rely on. This is an important Chinese and Vietnamese contact time long form. From the tone of the Vietnamese language, the formation of these two aspects we can see the influence of Vietnamese Chinese how deep. Constitute a way of attachment is a natural thing. 目录: 摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5-6 绪论 8-14 1.1 越南语中汉语、法语外来词的探讨近况 8-12 1.2 探讨目的和意义 12-13 1.3 探讨范围和措施 13-14 第一章 越南语与汉语、法语的接触历史 14-20 1.1 越南语中汉语借词 14-17 1.2 越南借入法语的历史 17-18 1.3 法语借词借入越南语的途径 18-20 第二章 越南语外来词是如何借入的 20-38 2.1 对越南语中汉语借词和少数民族语言的借词的考察 21-32 2.2 对越南语中法源借词的考察 32-38 第三章 越南语对汉源借词和法源借词的改造 38-63 3.1 汉源借词的越化 38-52 3.2 法源借词的越化 52-63 第四章 对比探讨与结论 63-66 4.1 越南语中汉法两种外来词的比较 63-65 4.2 比较结论 65-66 参考文献 66-68 后记 68 |