摘要 6-8 Abstract 8-9 Chapter One Introduction 12-17 1.1 Research Background 12-13 1.2 Purpose, Significance and Methodology of the Research 13-15 1.3 Framework of the Thesis 15-17 Chapter Two Literature Review 17-27 2.1 Past Research on Forensic Language 17-21 2.1.1 Forensic Language Research Abroad 17-20 2.1.2 Forensic Language Research at Home 20-21 2.2 Development of the Theme Theory and Thematic Progression 21-24 2.2.1 Prague School’s Viewpoints 21-22 2.2.2 Halliday’s Theme Theory 22-24 2.2.3 Danes’ Thematic Progression 24 2.3 Current Application of Theme-Rheme Theory in Translation 24-27 Chapter Three Theoretical Framework 27-42 3.1 Halliday’s Theme Theory 27-34 3.1.1 Theory of Metafunctions in Halliday’s Systemic-Functional Grammar 27-28 3.1.2 Identification of Theme 28-31 3.1.3 Classification of Theme and the Examples in Both Constitutions 31-34 Simple Theme 31 Multiple Theme 31-33 Clausal Theme 33-34 Predicted Theme 34 3.2 Thematic Progression 34-42 3.2.1 Definition of Thematic Progression 34-36 3.2.2 Patterns of Thematic Progression 36-38 3.2.3 Thematic Progression Patterns in the Constitution of China 38-42 Chapter Four Thematic Structure and Progression in Constitutions of China and United States 42-53 4.1 Types of Theme in both Constitutions 42-46 4.1.1 Distribution of Different Types of Theme 42-44 4.1.2 Comparison of Distribution of Theme Structure in both Constitutions 44-46 Similarities in the Distribution of Thematic Structure 44-45 Differences in the Distribution 45-46 4.2 Detailed Analysis of Patterns of Thematic Progression in bothConstitutions 46-50 4.2.1 Distribution of Different Patterns of Thematic Progression 46-48 4.2.2 Comparison of Distribution of Thematic Progression in both Constitutions 48-50 Similarities in the Distribution 48-49 Differences in the Distribution 49-50 4.3 The Application of Theme-rheme Theory in Forensic Language Translation 50-53 Chapter Five Conclusion 53-56 References 56-59 Acknowledgements 59-60 个人简历 60 发表的学术论文 60 |