法语说话文学是本国说话文学学科下的二级学科,重要包括了说话、文学和文明三年夜研究分支,相干研究涵盖了法国文学、法国文明、说话学、教授教养法、笔译与笔译等。自20世纪50年月初第一个法语专业于北京本国语年夜学出生,新中国的法语说话文学学科获得了赓续的成长和强大。纵不雅法语说话文学学科成长,教授教养方面侧重造就先生的法语据说读写外交才能,在持续稳固和深化先生的法语说话技巧的同时,拓宽他们的法国说话文明常识层面,重要法语系课程包含:精读、泛读、视据说、白话、写作、法译汉、汉译法、法国文学、公司法语、消息法语导读、法国社会文明、笔译、法国经济、法语国度与地域概略、法国汗青、国际政治等。研究方面,说话哲学、辞汇学、符号学、法语说话史。重点是法语辞汇学和构造主义说话学。法语文学含法语国度及地域的文学。重要研究十八世纪以来法语文学的派别、作家、著作、文学审美价值和社会熟悉价值。从说话学角度微观地商量翻译实际和理论中所带有基本性成绩,法语毕业论文,周全进步对文学著作和实际作品的翻译程度。重要研究法国二十世纪文学批驳的成长轨迹和重要派别、办法。重要专业课程有:东方文明概览、法国文学实际、说话学办法论、小说美学、法语辞汇学、20世纪文学批驳、法国社会文明、叙事学与符号学、中西文明比较讲座、法语教授教养法、法国新小说等。但是,笔者在对近5年的相干研究论文和出书物研究后发明,虽然本学科5年间取得了进一步的成长与晋升,新建专业赓续涌现,本学科的迷信研究和学术运动情势喜人,研究结果稳中有升,法语论文题目,但各研究偏向的成长其实不均衡,且仍然存在着一些制约本学科成长远景的晦气身分,这些景象值得高度看重,同时试图追求一些处理之道。 Abstract: French language and literature is the country speaking sub discipline of literature, including the language, literature and civilization III of the eve of the research branch, coherent discussion covers the French literature, French culture, learning to speak, teaching method, interpretation and translation, etc.. Since the early 20th century, 50 years the first French department in Beijing University of native born, new China's French speaking literature the gengxu growth and strong. Longitudinal elegant French speaking growing academic literature, teaching focus on creating Mr. French said that read and write diplomatic skills, persistent and deepening of Mr. French speaking skills at the same time, broaden the their French speaking civilization knowledge level, contains important French professional courses: intensive reading, extensive reading, depending on the said, spoken language, writing, translation of Han, Chinese translation of law, French literature, French, news reading in French, France social civilization, translation, the French economy, French national and regional overview, French history, international politics and. Research, talk of philosophy, lexicology and semiotics, speak French history. The key is French vocabulary learning and constructivism learning. French literature and French country containing geographical literature. An important discussion since eighteenth Century French literature factions, writers, works and literary aesthetic value and social value of knowledge. From the perspective of micro talk to discuss translation theory and practice in the basic achievement, comprehensive progress of translation literature and practical writings. The growth trajectory and important factions, important research literature criticism to France in twentieth Century. Important professional courses: overview of the Oriental civilization, French literature, learning to speak methodology and aesthetics of the novel, the French words sink, 20th century literature criticism, French society civilization, narrative science and semiotics, Western civilization is lectures, teaching method of the French, French new novels. But I in nearly 5 years of relevant research papers and publications in the discussion after the invention, although the subject 5 years made further development and promotion, the new professional ceaseless emerge in large numbers, the subject of scientific research and academic movement situation is gratifying, research results steadily rose, but in favor of the study of the growth in fact is not balanced, and there are still some restricting the discipline development prospect of adverse element, the scene is highly valued, while trying to seek some way of dealing with. 目录: 摘要 4 Résumé 5-6 Remerciement 6-7 Sommaire 7-9 Introduction 9-11 I. PRESENTATION GENERALE DE LA DISCIPLINE DE 2006 A 2010 11-19 A. Augmentation du nombre dans l’ensemble 11-14 1. établissements 11-13 2. Enseignants et étudiants 13-14 3. Evaluation 14 B. Activités diverses 14-17 1. Recherche pédagogique 14-15 2. Recherche littéraire, culturelle, traductionnelle, etc 15-16 3. Autres activités internationales 16-17 C. Projets des sciences sociales financés par les fonds nationaux 17-19 II. AQUISITION DES DONNEES NUMERIQUES (2006-2010) 19-61 A. Statistiques 19-23 1. Sources des statistiques 19-20 2. Statistiques des articles et des ouvrages 20-23 B. Classification et analyse 23-61 1. Littérature 23-38 1.1 Littérature traditionnelle 23-24 1.2 Littérature moderne et contemporain 24-32 1.3 Théories littéraires 32-36 1.4 Littérature comparative 36-37 1.5 Littérature pour enfants 37-38 2. Linguistique et pédagogique 38-41 2.1 Théorie linguistique 38-39 2.2 Pédagogie 39-40 2.3 Dictionnaire 40-41 3. Pensée et philosophie 41-48 3.1 époque des lumières et Rationalisme 42-43 3.2 Philosophes et oeuvres représentatifs contemporains 43-47 3.3 Recherche du Marxisme en France 47-48 3.4 Autres méthodes de recherche et ses fruits 48 4 Civilisation 48-54 4.1 Politique et militaire 49 4.2 Economie 49-50 4.3 Loi 50-51 4.4 Diplomatie 51-52 4.5 Histoire 52-53 4.6 Personnages 53 4.7 la vie sociale 53-54 5. Autres plans : traduction, art, sinologie, éducation 54-61 5.1 Traduction 54-55 5.2 Arts 55-59 5.3 Sinologie 59-60 5.4 Education 60-61 III. REFLEXION SUR LES PROGRES ET LES PROBLEMES EXISTANTS 61-65 A. Développement et problème d’enseignement 61-63 B. Développement et problème de recherches scientifiques 63-65 Conclusion 65-67 Note 67-82 Bibliographies 82-83 Sitographies 83 |