本研究旨在经由过程优选论的实际框架对阿尔及利亚阿拉伯语(AA)中法语外来语的当地化作出体系的音系剖析。外来词在阿尔及利亚阿拉伯语中的当地化音系行动重要经由过程增音机制来完成,而增音机制也在年夜量的跨说话文献中获得证明。增音固然完成了外来语的音系当地化,然则后人的研究仍存在一些缺乏的地方。本文以法语外来语在阿尔及利亚阿拉伯语中的当地化为剖析对象,希冀处理以下研究成绩:·增音机制面前的音系理据是甚么?·某些音段较音段库中的其它音段更容易成为增音音段的缘由是甚么?·增音在音节构造中有甚么说话位置?为处理上述成绩,本研究拔取了51个阿尔及利亚语中有增音景象的外来法语词,停止优选论剖析。成果注解,启动增音景象的制约前提具有主要感化。别的,相干制约前提对摸索阿尔及利亚阿拉伯语的音系体系的进一步摸索剖析有必定感化。 Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the local system of the native language of French foreign language in Algeria Arabic (AA) by the practical framework of the optimization theory. The local phonological system of the foreign words in the Arabic language of Algeria is accomplished by the process of increasing the sound system, and the mechanism of the increase in the amount of speech is also obtained in the literature. Although the tone is complete the sound system of the foreign language, but later generations of the research is still a lack of local. This paper is based on the analysis of the native language of French speaking foreign language in Algeria. The reason is that it is more easy to be a part of the audio system. What's more, it can be used to deal with the above results. The results note that the main effect of the premise is to start the tone of voice. In addition, the relevant constraints on the premise of the exploration of the Arabic language system in Algeria to further explore the analysis of a certain role. 目录: Acknowledgements 6-7 Abstract 7 摘要 8-11 Chapter One Introduction 11-18 1.1 The Research Topic 11-12 1.2 Definition of Some Key Terms 12-16 1.2.1 Syllable Structure 12-13 1.2.2 Syllable Template 13-14 1.2.3 Prosodic Structure 14 1.2.4 Syllabification 14-16 1.3 The Organization of the Thesis 16-18 Chapter Two The Previous Studies on French Nativization in AA Dialect 18-28 2.1 Epenthesis 18-19 2.2 The Reasoning of French Loanwords in AA 19-24 2.2.1 Study of Mahtout 19-21 2.2.2 Study of Guella 21-22 2.2.3 Study of Brno 22-23 2.2.4 Study of Elizabeth Dawn Alezetes 23-24 2.2.5 Study of M. Galal 24 2.3 Discussion 24-26 2.4 The Perspective of the Present Study 26-28 Chapter Three Theoretical Framework 28-38 3.1 Markedness Theory 28-30 3.1.1 Introduction 28-29 3.1.2 Markedness 29-30 3.1.3 Typological Markedness 30 3.2 Markedness Differential Hypothesis (MDH) 30-32 3.3 OT Theory 32-35 3.3.1 Basic Tenets 32 3.3.2 Optimality Theory Constraints 32-34 3.3.3 OT Theoretical Grammar 34-35 3.4 Epenthesis in OT Theory 35-36 3.4.1 Historical Roots of Epenthesis 35 3.4.2 Conflicting Forces of Syllabic Well-Formedness and Faithfulness 35-36 3.5 Summary 36-38 Chapter Four Research Methodology 38-46 4.1 Research Questions and Methodology 38-39 4.2 Data Source 39-40 4.3 Research Procedure 40-41 4.4 Data,Description and Generalization 41-46 Chapter Five Phonological Analysis of French Loanwords 46-67 5.1 French Input vs. AA Output 46-48 5.2 Constraints Motivating the Use of Epenthesis 48-54 5.3 Constraints for the Choice of the Epenthesis [a] in Terms of its Quality 54-56 5.4 Harmony Cases 56-57 5.5 Non-Harmony Case 57-62 5.6 Constraints for the Choice of the Epenthesis [a] in Terms of its Position 62-64 5.7 Summary 64-67 Chapter Six Conclusion 67-71 6.1 Summary of the Major Findings 67-68 6.2 The Significance of the Present Study 68-70 6.2.1 The Originality of the Present Study 68-69 6.2.2 The Implications of the Present Study 69-70 6.3 Limitations 70-71 Bibliography 71-76 |