经由多年的教授教养理论,本文作者发明贵州年夜学英语系先生不克不及很好地控制法语曩昔时和未完成曩昔时的运用。然则这类情形却没有产生在其他法语时态的进修中。好比,法语的愈曩昔时,它的用法正好与英语的曩昔完成时分歧,先生在进修中没有任何艰苦。法语曩昔时和未完成曩昔时的用法与英语的一些时态用法有关系,然则又没有一个完整对等的时态。是以,作者猜想英语的负迁徙是法语曩昔时和未完成曩昔时运用毛病的重要缘由。因而睁开实证研究。高达70%的时态运用毛病或多或少与英语时态运用有关,证明英语的搅扰确切是法语曩昔时和未完成曩昔不时态运用毛病的重要缘由。依照乔姆斯基人类说话才能后天论的不雅点,说话构造后天存在于人的年夜脑当中,所以,小孩进修措辞只须要进修辞汇和设定其母语的参数。年夜脑有盘算的特征,这就是生成语法的由来。分歧的说话只是由于在年夜脑外面有分歧的设定参数,这些参数的设定的分歧,发生分歧的说话,也许可选定分歧的规矩。古代说话习得的目的是要找出说话的通用的规矩,将它植入初始状况,其他便可以很轻易学会。这类措施叫做准绳和参数设定。说话习得的准绳是初始状况的设定,参数可以在限制规模内更改,然则经过已有的经历发生。英语系先生的法语曩昔时和未完成曩昔时的初始状况和参数设定被英语取代。为转变此设定,本研究采用了多种教授教养办法。成果显示可懂得输出,比较剖析,和强化练习几种教授教养办法的结合运用确切可以很年夜地改良法语曩昔时和未完成曩昔时的运用的习得。本研究也提醒平日所用的语法传授措施其实不老是最好的措施,也纷歧定实用于一切的进修者。教员应当担当起反思和立异的义务。基于这一点,本文作者努力在教与学上做一些转变,以获得满足的教授教养后果。 Abstract: Through many years of teaching theory, the author of this article, the author of the invention of the University of Guizhou, Mr. English can not be a good control of the past and the past tense when the past tense. However, this kind of situation is not produced in other French tense learning. For example, the more in the past when the French, its usage is exactly the same as the past and the English used to complete the differences, mr.. The usage of the past tense and the past tense is related to some tense usage in English. It is the important reason for the author to guess that the negative transfer of English is an important reason for the past tense and the past tense. So open an empirical study. Up to 70% of the temporal application problems more or less with the application of English tense about that English is exactly the French in the past and the unfinished past not temporal application problems of the important reasons. According to Chomsky human talk can be acquired on the indecent point, tectonic speak acquired exists in the brains of people, so the child learning language only to learn vocabulary and set the parameters of their mother tongue. The big brain has the characteristic of computing, which is the origin of the generative grammar. Differences in speech just because of differences in the eve of the brain setting parameters, these parameters of the set differences, differences in the words, but also the rules of choice of different rules. The purpose of ancient language acquisition is to find out the common rules of speaking, to implant the initial situation, others can easily learn. This kind of method is called the principle and parameter setting. The principle of speech acquisition is the initial state of the setting, parameters can be changed within the limits of the scale, but after the experience of the occurrence of. English Majors in the past and the French did not complete the past when the initial condition and parameter settings were replaced by english. In order to change this setting, this study used a variety of teaching methods. Results show that the output, comparative analysis, and strengthen the combination of several teaching methods of teaching methods can greatly improve the use of French in the past and did not complete the past when the application of the past. This study also reminded the grammar teaching method used in fact is not always the best way, but also divergent set for all the learners. The teacher should assume the obligation of reflection and innovation. Based on this, the author of this paper tries to make some changes in teaching and learning, in order to obtain the results of the teaching. 目录: Acknowledgements 3-4 English Abstract 4-5 中文摘要 6-7 Table of Contents 7-11 Chapter One Introduction 11-18 1.1 French Learning 11 1.2 Statement of the Problem 11-12 1.3 The Difficulties in French Past Tenses Learning 12-15 1.4 The Significance of This Study 15-16 1.5 Research Questions 16 1.6 Summary 16-18 Chapter Two Literature Review 18-39 2.1 Language Transfer 18 2.2 The Development of CA 18-20 2.3 The Development of EA 20-22 2.3.1 Identification of Errors 20-21 2.3.2 Sources of Errors 21-22 Interlingual Transfer 21 Intralingual Transfer 21-22 2.4 Chomsky\'s Language Acquisition Theories 22-33 2.4.1 Universal Grammar Hypothesis 23-24 2.4.2 Generative Grammar 24-32 2.4.3 All Languages Can Be Learned as the Native Language 32-33 2.5 Bandura\'s Social Cognitive Theory 33-36 2.6 Teaching Methods 36-39 2.6.1 Reinforcement 36 2.6.2 Input and Intake 36-37 2.6.3 Contrastive Analysis 37-38 2.6.4 Effective Feedback to Learner Errors 38-39 Chapter Three Research Methodology 39-59 3.1 Research Design and Research Questions 40-42 3.1.1 Research Questions 40 3.1.2 The Visual Map of Experimental Research Design 40-42 3.2 Subjects 42 3.3 Materials 42 3.4 Instruments 42 3.5 The Duration of This Experiment 42 3.6 The Experiment 42-57 3.6.1 Stage One 43-46 French Compound Past Tense 43-46 Exercise 1 46 Review 46 3.6.2 Stage Two 46-49 French Imperfect Tense 46-48 Exercise 2 48-49 The Pre-test 49 Interview 49 Assignment of the CG and the EG 49 3.6.3 Stage Three 49-57 Different Teaching Methods for the Two Classes 50-57 Exercise 3 57 The Post-test 57 3.7 Data Collection 57 3.8 Data Processing 57-58 3.9 The Scoring 58 3.10 Data Analysis 58-59 Chapter Four The Presentation and Experiment Results 59-71 4.1 The Student Attendance 59 4.2 The Modification of the Methodology 59 4.3 The Result of Exercise 1 59-61 4.4 The Result of Exercise 2 61-62 4.5 The Result of the Pre-test 62-65 4.6 The Result of the Interview 65-66 4.7 The Assignment of the CG and the EG 66-67 4.8 The Result of the Post-test 67-71 Chapter Five Discussion and Analysis 71-80 5.1 Discussion of Sources of Errors 71-73 5.2 Discussion of the Methodology 73-77 5.3 About Research Questions 77-80 5.3.1 Question One 77 5.3.2 Question Two 77-80 Longitudinal Comparison of the Two Groups 78 Transverse Comparison of the Two Groups 78-80 Chapter Six Conclusions and Limitations 80-83 6.1 Conclusions 80-81 6.2 Pedagogical Implications of Errors 81-82 6.3 Limitations 82-83 Bibliography 83-85 Appendix 1 Exercise 1 85-87 Appendix 2 Exercise 2 87-89 Appendix 3 Exercise 3 89-91 Appendix 4 Pre-test 91-93 Appendix 5 Post-test 93-95 攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 95-96 |