本文运用辞汇语义学实际对汉语部门动词的语义和论德配置变更的关系停止了商量,试图提醒出汉语部门动词在论德配置变更中表示出的语义身分。本文以为,动文句法情况的变更,特殊是论德配置变更与动词意义的变更亲密相干。一个动词的某一语义身分不会在该动词一切的论德配置变更中都表示出来。动词会跟着论德配置变更而逐步增长它的意义,从而发生动词多义景象。动词的意义是一个原型领域,分歧动词成员之间在乎义方面存在着家族类似性。动词意义家族类似性的凸起表示就是,说话中动词的意义存在着庞杂的穿插跨类景象。根本语义类分歧的动词存在着“年夜异小同”,根本语义类雷同的动词成员之间存在着“年夜同小异”。分歧动词成员在乎义上存在着互相联系关系,法语论文题目,从而构成一个异常庞杂的语义收集。本文以为,动词的意义和构式语义在生成说话的根本句子构造和决议句法设置装备摆设方面都施展侧重要的感化。句子意义是动词的意义和构式语义整合的成果。动词的意义和构式语义互相作用,动词的意义对动词的句法行动有相当水平的决议性,与此同时,构式语义对动词的意义有决议感化,动词的意义会跟着它常常涌现的特定构式而产生变更,从而发生新的词项或新的意义。在此基本上,提出了新的句子生成形式。句法和语义存在着庞杂的多重映照关系。另外,法语论文范文,本文还运用框架语义学、认知语义学实际对句子多义景象,汉语存在句“着”、“了”交换景象等给出了新的说明。 Abstract: In this paper, we discuss the relationship between semantic and semantic changes of Chinese verbs in Chinese Department by using lexical semantics, and try to remind the semantic identity of Chinese Department verbs in the change of configuration. This article thinks that the change of the verb syntax, especially the change of the meaning of the verb and the change of the meaning of the verb. A semantic identity of a verb does not show up in any of the changes in the configuration of the verb. Verbs will be followed by the change in the configuration of the German and gradually increase its meaning, so that the occurrence of the verb. The meaning of verbs is a prototype field, and there is a family resemblance between the members of different verbs. A convex representation of the meaning of a verb is that the meaning of the verb in the speech is complex and overlapping. Verb semantic to fundamental differences exist "the eve of the different small", between the verbs belonging to the same fundamental semantic class there are "the same". In the sense of the meaning, the members of the different verbs are connected with each other, thus forming an unusually complex semantic collection. This paper argues that the meaning of verbs and the construction of semantic meaning in the formation of the basic sentence structure and the resolution of the sentence structure and equipment display are playing an important role in the side. The meaning of a sentence is the result of the meaning of verbs and the semantic integration of construction. The meaning of a verb and semantic influence each other, the meaning of a verb to the verb syntactic action has a considerable level of resolution. At the same time, the construction significance of verb semantic resolution effect, the meaning of a verb will follow it often appear certain constructions and produce change, which occurred in the new words or new meaning. On the base of this, a new form of sentence generation is proposed. Syntactic and semantic existence of complex multi mapping relationship. In addition, this paper also gives a new description of the application of frame semantics and cognitive semantics to the sentence ambiguity. 目录: 中文摘要 6-7 英文摘要 7 前言 8-11 第一章 理论前提 11-43 1.0. 结构主义的动词中心观 11 1.1. 生成语法理论的动词中心观 11-12 1.2. 论元结构理论的发展 12-22 1.2.1. 从子语类框架到论元结构 12-16 1.2.2. 论元结构是一个独立的表达层次 16-17 1.2.3. 论元结构的两种表达模式 17-22 语义角色清单模式 17-18 谓词分解表达模式 18-22 1.3. BethLevin的词汇语义学探讨 22-29 1.3.1. 词汇语义学的理论基础 23 1.3.2. 词汇语义学对于论元结构的观点 23-25 1.3.3. 动词意义的两分观 25-27 1.3.4. 动词的事件结构模板和常量 27-29 1.4. 与句法相关的动词语义 29-31 1.5. 动词的语义和论元配置 31-36 1.6. 小结 36-37 1.7. 本文的探讨程序和措施 37-39 1.8. 本文的语料来源 39-43 第二章 位移动词的语义及论元配置 43-76 2.0. 导言 43-44 2.1. 位移动词探讨综述 44-46 2.2. 出现和离开(消失)动词的语义及论元配置 46-50 2.3. 位移介质动词的语义及论元配置 50-59 2.3.1. “走”和“跑”的异同 57-59 2.4. 跨越空间距离动词的语义及论元配置 59-62 2.5. “跑”的竞技性事件认知框架略论 62-68 2.6. 内部使成和外部使成的结果状态动词的语义及论元配置 68-72 2.6.1. 内部使成的结果状态动词的语义及论元配置 68-70 2.6.2. 外部使成的结果状态动词的语义及论元配置 70-72 2.7. 小结 72-76 第三章 “站”类动词、“放”类动词、“穿”类动词、“写”类动词的语义及论元配置 76-126 3.0. 导言 76-77 3.1. 空间位置保持动词的语义及论元配置 77-85 3.2. 致使客体占据位置动词的语义及论元配置 85-95 3.3. 占据位置动词的语义及论元配置 95-96 3.4. 事件功用动词的语义及论元配置 96-102 3.5. 图象印刻动词的语义及论元配置 102-103 3.6. 位置存在动词的语义及论元配置 103-121 3.6.1. 位置(简单位置、身体位置、表面位置)存在动词的语义及论元配置 103-107 3.6.2. 动词意义到底是“附着”还是“位置存在”? 107-112 3.6.3. 外部论元对方位词的选择限制 112-113 3.6.4. 直接论元的语义角色略论 113-115 3.6.5. 存在句中“着”、“了”互换现象的认知解释 115-121 3.7. 小结 121-126 第四章 “切”类动词、“擦”类动词的语义及论元配置 126-167 4.0. 导言 126-127 4.1. 制作动词的语义及论元配置 127-131 4.2. 事件功用动词的语义及论元配置 131-132 4.3. 外部使成的结果状态动词的语义及论元配置 132-142 4.4. 非意向结果状态动词的语义及论元配置 142-150 4.5. 去除动词的语义和论元配置 150-155 4.6. 占据表面位置动词的语义及论元配置 155-158 4.7. 表面位置存在动词的语义及论元配置 158-160 4.8. 小结 160-167 第五章 余论 167-212 5.1. 动词的意义和论元配置变化的关系 167-168 5.2. 动词意义的原型效应和家族相似性 168-177 5.3. 句子多义现象的框架语义学解释 177-180 5.4. 动词语义与构式语义的相互影响 180-189 5.4.1. 构式是一个独立的实体 180-184 5.4.2. 构式语义的经验基础 184-186 5.4.3. 动词的意义和构式语义之间的关系 186-189 5.5. 词汇语义学与构式语法的比较 189-193 5.6. 我们的观点 193-199 5.7. 配价语法探讨的思考 199-205 5.8. 本文探讨的措施论检讨 205-210 5.9. 未来的探讨 210-212 结语 212-219 参考文献 219-242 后记 242-244 |