SYNOPSIS 4-5 Introduction 8-9 Chapter one Preambles 9-13 1.1 Background of the study 9 1.2 Statement of the problem 9-10 1.3 Objectives and aims of the study 10 1.4.M ethodology of the study 10-11 1.5.D efinition of concepts 11-13 Chapter two Literature Review and Theoretical Framework 13-17 2.1.L iterature review 13-15 2.1.1 Books and thesis 13-14 2.1.2 Other articles 14-15 2.2 Theoretical framework 15-16 2.3 Structure of the work 16-17 Chapter three Francophone African Countries Choices and the Environment of the 1990s 17-31 3.1 Historical overview of Francophone African countries relations with France before the 1990s 17-22 3.1.1.F rance-Africa relations since 1958 (Vth French Republic) 17-18 3.1.2.R elations between France and Francophone Africa 18-22 3.2 The challenges of the 1990s 22-31 3.2.1 The major events of the 1990s in Francophone Africa 22-29 3.2.2 France and the reality of the1990s 29-31 Chapter four The Implications of Francophone African Countries Reaction to the 1990s International Order 31-56 4.1.T he Francophone Africa and the Western bloc 31-40 4.1.1.T he European Union and Francophone Africa 32-34 4.1.2.T he United States and Francophone African countries 34-40 4.2 South-South Cooperation: Francophone Africa and emerging Asian countries(regions) 40-56 4.2.1.F rancophone African countries and the Asian capitalist country: Japan 40-44 4.2.2.F rancophone African countries and India 44-50 4.2.3.C hina and Francophone African countries 50-56 Conclusion 56-59 Bibliography 59-68 List of Tables 68-69 Acronyms 69-71 Research Achievements 71-72 Acknowledgments 72-73 中文摘要 73-76 Abstract 76-79 |