
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


The civilization of the United Front is a new era in our country with a front task the main components of the Department is complete civilization power to the baby. In France a civilized country, has a large number of overseas Chinese, Chinese students studying and love of Huayou of public, they can connect, exchange through the process of civilization, in pursuit of civilization and resonance, for them to Chinese war growth civilization concept understanding and identity. Do a good job in France International Cultural United Front task, help to improve China's foreign cultural influence, contribute to the Chinese war raised international support, help to veto the hegemony of American civilization. In addition to the introduction, the paper is divided into five departments. The first Department of China in coherent and practical concept of French civilization of United front. Is introduced and analyzed the concept of the same front, united front of civilization, international cultural united front, focus on identifying the relationship of the civilization of the united front and the international cultural exchange, discusses the party's united front practice, civilization practice of soft power, cultural hegemony actual indecent point. Second departments of the party's leading foreign exchange of cultural ideas. Further emphasizes the relationship of the civilization of the united front and the international cultural exchange, pointed out that party leaders of foreign cultural exchange of ideas is the main thought of united front of the civilization of real capital. Mao Zedong proposed ocean with, Deng Xiaoping put forward the legal and beneficial to scale, Jiang Ze plain near proposed to give priority to, use, complete the diversity of civilizations, President Hu Jintao proposed to automatically dialogue, to build a harmonious world, cultural soft power promotion. The third department in France China civilization objects of united front and the United Front method. China in France to stop the object containing Chinese civilization of united front, and the public law of Mr. Hua you love. The united front connection method includes respect, cooperation, good care, involved in the emotional connection. The fourth department in France Chinese civilization beneficial premise and adverse element of United front. Beneficial premise includes historical premise, actual premise and the premise of the times. Adverse element contains, differences between the social political system and cultural values; Department of public of China know lack familiar error incurred; the United States to France. The Fifth Department Chinese in French civilization the implementation of the recommendations of United front. Deepen Sino French cultural exchanges to strengthen cultural identity; vary from person to person to enhance the attractiveness of civilization; the United States to reject the supremacy of civilization. Constitute government led, social intervention in law civilization exchange format, hold high the patriotic banner, linking in method of Chinese and left Mr., solid and growing domestic patriotic united front; hold high the banner against hegemonism and all links can be connected to the public, the United States hegemony hegemony the same front control.

