
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


At the beginning of eighteenth Century, China popular literature have been translated to french. Although fiction and drama of popular literature has long-term Chinese literati discrimination, but meantime Oriental in the mainstream of literary works. The French this interest, and in the translation of first began to imagine the appearance of the Chinese story, the creation of "Chinese story", and even fabricated works translated from Chinese. The text from the hands, assessment of Chinese popular literature in France of the translation and reception, important to discuss the French for the story of China, the translation of the real face and effects, text function, translation group and text selection results. In this paper, the first goalkeeper of the French reception to stop the vision. Before eighteenth Century, the French know about China. They construct the last impression of Chinese story to imagine, this impression of movement and translation. The second part of this article will analyze the earliest versions of the book, compare similarities and differences between source text and target text. Finally, the translation is based on the interest of the adaptation and the shallow, while the emphasis on moral character. In his own works, Oriental writers have used these stories in their works, and they have caused a great debate in the field of culture. The third sector is the assessment as the effectiveness of the reader of popular literary text: they actually does not appear to be the original of the Chinese fiction, drama, rap works. Translator's invention of popular literature text learning to speak value and cultural value, as the study of Chinese speaking, Chinese culture, religious beliefs. The first one is the translation department characters and text selection evaluation. Jesuit scholar, professional sinologists, Chinese literature lovers is the translation of Chinese folk literature, the main. In addition, the Chinese people also increasingly involved therein. Every translation groups have their own characteristics and translation thoughts. The translator's cognitive characteristic and its resolution of the text selection; on the other hand, reader's interest and preference you a book market, and text selection effect.


中文摘要   3-4   Abstract   4-5   绪论   7-15   第一章 接受视野:对中国故事的想象与期待   15-29       第一节 对中国的发现与认知   15-19       第二节 对中国著作的想象与制作   19-23       第三节 对中国故事的期待与印象   23-29   第二章 文本面貌:以中华帝国全志中译文为例   29-49       第一节 译介背景与文学观   29-32       第二节 文本的建构与改写   32-39       第三节 文本的特征及其范例性   39-42       第四节 文本的作用与接受   42-49   第三章 文本功能:多重身份的俗文学文本   49-69       第一节 早期论著中的例证性文本   49-55       第二节 作为语言教材的俗文学文本   55-61       第三节 作为风俗文化读本的俗文学译本   61-69   第四章 译介群体与文本选择   69-91       第一节 译介群体及其特征   69-79       第二节 作用文本选择的要素   79-91   结语   91-93   参考文献   93-101   附录一 近年法国出版中国俗文学著作概况   101-107   附录二 法译中国俗文学文本目录   107-119   附录三 中华帝国全志中对于中国文学的论述摘译   119-123   后记   123-124  
