
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


The Boxer Indemnity is imperialist powers through the delimitation of the unyielding contract imposed on China's huge debt, is in China of a naked, the fierce scramble. And nations in order to continue to maintain and expand the benefits in China and to the United States began, in the "return" under the name of the Chinese Boxer Indemnity remaining sum, with the Chinese people's money to China to stop civilizations probably industrial investment. France as a Boxer Indemnity of the eve of the family, as the main target of the communication in modern China, modern foreign economic and political relations, to return the whole course of the Boxer Indemnity remaining sum and France returned indemnity amount and so on, are in the research of the Boxer Indemnity grades Eph into hiding, there are important historical significance and research value. France is willing to "refund" Boxer Indemnity balance, has its own political and economic aspects of thought and reason. From the nations of returning the Boxer Indemnity situation, is to return the most complex process in france. From France for the refund of the Boxer Indemnity debut until France Industrial Bank case is put forward, to gold Franc case to do not implement the treaty between the two countries and default favorable bonds, to the post America abandoned the gold standard, requesting that the Chinese pay reparations to dollar coins, France attached mean the premise of "return" Boxer Indemnity in the process, making various kinds of disputes, let the "return" bend more, and the first Chinese reality to get the refund amount, and finally France's commitment to differ very far. This article is precisely through the process of France "return" of the Boxer Indemnity reason to carry on the analysis, for the refund claims the whole story carding will initially be France with comparison for the indemnity of the eve of the country the United States and Britain is the ins and outs of various matters relating to double clear.


第1章 绪论   8-11       1.1 问题的提出   8       1.2 探讨动态及近况   8-9       1.3 选题意义及探讨措施   9-11   第2章 庚子赔款的由来   11-19       2.1 辛丑条约   11-14       2.2 法国庚款的确定   14-16       2.3 “金银之争”   16-19   第3章 法国退还庚子赔款的起因   19-33       3.1 美国率先提出“退还”庚款   19-23       3.2 其他各国的进一步推动   23-29       3.3 中国国内的努力   29-31       3.4 法国的考量   31-33   第4章 法国退还庚子赔款   33-46       4.1 中法实业银行案   33-36       4.2 金法郎案   36-40       4.3 无利债券的归还   40-43       4.4 法国的故计重施   43-46   第5章 法国退还庚款的数额与用途   46-54       5.1 庚款用途的争论   46-49       5.2 法国“退款”庚款的数额与用途   49-54   第6章 余论   54-58   结束语   58-59   致谢   59-60   文献综述   60-63   攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文   63-64   声明   64  
