法国发蒙平易近权思惟发生于18世纪中叶的法国,法语毕业论文,是其时法国新兴资产阶层请求在思惟范畴上的反应。它的涌现不只直接促进了法国年夜反动的产生,并且也作用到世界的其它地域,个中也包含悠远的中国。在近代中国产生的平易近族平易近主主义反动中,无一不折射出法国发蒙平易近权思惟的烙印。法国发蒙平易近权思惟对中国的作用,重要是经由过程年夜批中国常识份子的译介来完成的。在这浩瀚的常识份子中,中国共产党的创建者一陈独秀与法国发蒙平易近权思惟的关系很值得我们去存眷和思考。陈独秀能从一个传统的常识份子改变为一个保守的平易近族平易近主主义者,法国发蒙平易近权思惟的陶冶和沾染弗成或缺,法语论文范文,但还有一个主要的身分则是陈独秀心中那段难解的“救亡”情结。恰是这股情结的相濡以伴,才使得二者(陈独秀与法国发蒙平易近权思惟)的关系多了几许变迁,多了几番弯曲。从最后的“魂魄皈依”到厥后的“精力背叛”,再到最初的“形‘回归’实‘成长’”,无一不透视出陈独秀“救亡”情结与“发蒙”情怀的抵触与抵触。陈独秀与法国发蒙平易近权思惟的这段“孽缘”,既是陈独秀自己的一段心路过程的写真,同时更是近代中国古代化之旅与东方文明接触、碰撞、裂变的的反应。 Abstract: French Enlightenment plain near the right thinking occurred in the middle of the 18th century France, meantime French emerging asset class request on the category of ideological reaction. Its emergence not only directly promote the generation of the French Revolution, and also influence to the world other area, which also contains the distant China. In modern China plain near family plain near the main doctrine revolution, a reflection of the French Enlightenment plain near the right thought of brand. Influence of French Enlightenment plain near the right thoughts in China, important is accomplished through a large number of Chinese intellectuals of translation. In this vast intellects, relationship of the founders of the Communist Party of China Chen Duxiu and French Enlightenment plain near the right thought is worthy of our to concern and thinking. Chen Duxiu from a traditional intellectual change for a conservative plain near family Democratic Party and French Enlightenment plain near the right thinking cultivation and contamination Eph or lack, but there are a major factor is Chen Duxiu heart during that difficult "salvation" complex. Is precisely this complex phase moisten with, which makes the relationship between two (Chen Duxiu and French Enlightenment plain near the right thinking) of many more changes, more repeated bending. From the last "soul conversion" to later "energy betrayal", to the initial shape 'return to the' real 'growth' ", a perspective of Chen Duxiu's complex of" salvation "and" Enlightenment "feelings of conflict and conflict. Chen Duxiu and French Enlightenment plain nearly right thoughts of the "karma", Chen is both a psychological process of photo. At the same time, it is modern journey to the modernization of China and the Oriental civilization contact, collision, fission reaction. 目录: 绪论 6-8 一、 法国启蒙民权思想东传与陈独秀资产阶级民主观的形成 8-26 (一)、 法国启蒙民权思想产生的时代背景及其内核 8-12 (二)、 法国启蒙民权思想东传与变异 12-17 (三)、 法国启蒙民权思想与陈独秀资产阶级民主观的形成 17-21 (四)、 新文化运动的兴起与陈独秀资产阶级民主观的发展 21-26 二、 五四、大革命时期陈独秀对法国启蒙民主思想的反思与批判 26-34 (一)、 五四、大革命时期国际国内形势的变化及其对中国知识界的作用 26-30 (二)、 五四时期陈独秀资产阶级民主观的动摇 30-32 (三)、 陈独秀社会主义民主思想的基本确立 32-34 三、 晚年陈独秀对民主的再观察 34-46 (一)、 大革命失败后陈独秀民主思想的变化 34-39 1、 大革命失败与陈独秀的反思 34-35 2、 中东路事件与陈独秀被开除党籍 35-38 3、 陈独秀民主思想的新变化 38-39 (二)、 抗战时期(1931年—1942年)陈独秀民主思想的发展 39-46 1、 “九·一八”事件发生后陈独秀的反应 39-41 2、 抗战全面爆发后陈独秀对时局的略论 41-42 3、 陈独秀民主思想的形“回归”实“发展” 42-46 结论 46-47 注释 47-53 参考文献 53-57 致谢 57-58 攻读硕士学位期间发表论文及科研成果 58 |