
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08
法国共产党(以下简称法共)是欧洲列国共产党中的一个年夜党,其摸索社会主义途径的实际与政策,在欧洲具有很年夜的典范性和代表性,不管是其胜利的经历,照样掉败的经验,都对世界社会主义活动,特殊是欧洲社会主义活动有侧重年夜作用。对于法共摸索社会主义的实际与政策的研究,具有主要的实际与实际意义。本文将对暗斗以来法共实际与政策的演化停止体系剖析,周全商量和总结法共摸索社会主义途径的经历经验和面对的成绩。本文共分三个部门。第一部门,论述了暗斗时代法共的成长过程和实际结果。在20世纪70年月中期之前,法共还没无形成体系的实际,对社会主义途径的摸索只是初步的,如对战争过渡和无产阶层专政提出了新意见,转变对社会党的立场,开端追求与之协作,对欧洲一体化的立场由否决转为有选择的批评。这些不雅点为法国颜色社会主义实际奠基了基本。法国颜色社会主义实际构成于20世纪70年月中期,其重要内容有:主意经由过程战争途径完成社会主义,法语论文范文,废弃无产阶层专政,实施议会平易近主制;主意树立以右翼同盟为基本WP=4的多半平易近众的结合;指点思惟上以“迷信社会主义”代替传统的马克思列宁主义。法国颜色社会主义实际把法共对于社会主义的摸索推向了一个新的程度。 第二部门,论述了暗斗后法共的弯曲成长途径及其新实际结果。为了转变苏东剧变后党内涌现的严重思惟凌乱局势,法共停止了一系列的实际立异,并逐步构成了“新共产主义”实际。在“新共产主义”实际的指点下,法共对实际政策停止了新调剂:完全否认苏联社会主义;对共产主义作了新的阐释;废弃社会主义过渡阶段论,实施“超出本钱主义”;在党的改革成绩上,废弃平易近主集中制的组织准绳,代之以平易近主的运转准绳,废弃“前锋党”、“引导党”的提法,主意党对国民的“有效性”,并调剂党的引导机构;主意变更党的同盟政策,树立“右翼提高力气同盟”;对国际外严重成绩提出本身的主意。第三部门,从整体上对法共摸索社会主义途径停止评析。起首剖析了法共自20世纪80年月以来力气阑珊的缘由,客不雅缘由在于苏联社会主义形式的作用,和苏东剧变和新兴活动突起对法共形成的极年夜冲击;作者以为基本缘由在于法共本身,在于法共没有依据情势的变更调剂政策,招致纲要政策严重离开现实,在与社会党的协作中战略掉当,在平易近众中形成法共跟随社会党的WP=5印象,下降了法共对平易近众的吸引力。其次,作者剖析了“新共产主义”实际与法国颜色社会主义实际的差异。以为二者之间既有着显著的差别性,又存在着内涵持续性。第三,剖析了“新共产主义”实际的意义与面对的理论困难。“新共产主义”为法共注入了新的活力与活气,推进了法国社会主义活动的成长;果断了欧洲共产党人的共产主义信心,为蓬勃本钱主义国度共产党摸索社会主义途径供给了名贵自创,增进了欧洲社会主义活动的苏醒。然则,“新共产主义”在理论中也面对着伟大艰苦,如,淡化其实际的认识形状颜色,损失了本身的特点;实际框架曾经出台,但还缺少可行的详细操作办法;废弃平易近主集中制准绳,法语论文网站,使法共党内涌现了组织散漫、内赓续的晦气局势,久而久之,法共的战役力难以包管;另外,“新共产主义”还面对着法共力气和作用力连续降低这一不争的现实。是以,“新共产主义”可否取得胜利,还有待于理论的磨练。最初,总结了法共摸索社会主义途径给我们带来的几点启发。列国共产党必需把马克思主义根本道理与本国现实相联合,走合适本国国情的社会主义成长途径,赓续推进迷信实际立异。共产党和社会主义活动的兴衰与党本身扶植互相关注,是以列国WP=6共产党必需赓续增强党的本身扶植。要重视在社会新兴阶级中接收新党员,这不只可以扩展党的基本,还可以更好的坚持党的先辈性。


The French Communist Party (hereinafter referred to as the PCF) is in Communist Party of European nations the eve of a party, the grope for the practical and policy of the socialist road and in Europe has very big model and representative, whether success experience, still fell defeat experience, the agency of the world socialist activities, especially the European Socialist activities have focused on the impact of large. Study on law and policy of socialism and explore practical, practical and important practical significance. The since the infighting of PCF actual evolution policy and stop system analysis, comprehensive discussion and summary of the PCF exploring the experiences of socialist way and in the face of grades. This article is divided into three departments. First, discusses the method of cold war the growth process and the actual results. Before the mid 1970s, the CPF yet no actual formation system, exploration of the socialist road just preliminary, such as transition wars and no middle class dictatorship put forward new opinions, change position of the socialist party, began to pursue and the cooperation, the position of European integration by veto turned have the option of criticism. These are the points for the French color of the socialist reality foundation. French colors socialist practice formed in the 20 century 70 time metaphase, is the important content of idea: by way of war complete socialism, waste free production class dictatorship, implementation parliamentary plain near the main business; idea to establish a combination of most of the plain basic "WP=4" of the public to the right-wing alliance; guiding ideology to "scientific socialism" instead of the traditional Marxism Leninism. The French color socialist practice on socialism exploration method to a new level. The second sector, discusses the growth path of the PCF in bending and new practical results. In order to change of Su Dong revulsion party after the emergence of serious thought messy situation, the CPF to stop the a series of practical innovation, and gradually form the new communism. The idea of change theory of in the new communism "practical guidance, the CPF to actual policy to stop the new swap: complete denial of socialism in the Soviet Union. The Communist new interpretation; abandoned socialist transition stage, the implementation of" beyond capitalism "; in the party's reform achievements, waste plain near the main centralism principles of organization, with plain near the main operation principle, abandoned" vanguard party "," guide the party "formulation, the idea of the Party of national" effectiveness ", and adjust the party's guiding mechanism; idea of the party alliance policy, establish a" right-wing increase strength alliance "; on the serious problem presented itself. The third sector, from the whole of the socialist way of stopping exploration method. First analysis of the PCF since the 20th century, 80 years strength wanes to the close of the reason, the objective reason is that form of communism in the Soviet Union, and the drastic changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and emerging movable projection on the method of formation of huge impact. The author thinks the fundamental reason lies in the PCF itself, that method is not according to the situation changes to adjust the policy, lead to outline policy seriously from reality, when and out of socialist collaboration in the strategy, a PCF follow the Socialist Party of the WP=5 "impression of, a decrease of PCF on the attractiveness of plain nearly all forming in the peoples in. Secondly, the author analyzes the similarities and differences between the "new communism" theory and the French color socialism. Thought that there is a significant difference between the two, but also the connotation of continuity. Third, it analyzes the practical significance of the "new communism" and the theoretical difficulties in the face of it. Communist PCF injected new vigor and vitality, and promote the growth of the French Socialist; decisive Europe Communist communism faith, Communists as flourishing capitalist countries explore the path of socialism provides valuable created, promote the recovery of the European socialist movement. However, the new communism in theory are also facing a great and arduous, such as desalination the practical knowledge of the shape and color, the loss of the characteristics of; practical framework has been issued, but also the lack of feasible specific operation method; waste plain democratic centralism principle, the PCF party emerged organization undisciplined, harmful situation in gengxu. As time passes, battle force of the PCF is difficult to guarantee; in addition, new communism also face played a total of strength and influence continuously reduced the indisputable reality. Is to, "new communism" can win, still need to be in the training of the theory. At first, summarizes some common ways to explore the socialist inspired us. Nations of the Communist Party must take combined the basic principles of Marxism and the reality of the country and take appropriate national conditions of socialist development way, continuously promote the scientific theory innovation. The rise and fall of the Communist Party and socialism and party self construction of each other's concerns, nations the WP=6 "of the Communist Party of must continuously strengthen the party's self construction. We must pay attention to the new members of the community in the new class, which can not only extend the party's basic, but also to better adhere to the party's advanced nature.

