
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08
约翰·福尔斯的法国中尉的女人是一部优良的后古代主义小说,自1969年问世以来,并取得了伟大的贸易价值和艺术价值。小说用20世纪的视角,讲述了一个产生在19世纪中期英国维多利亚时期的恋爱故事。男女主人公查尔斯和萨拉阅历了各种选择和抗争,解脱了社会约束和世俗成见,走上了自在之路。本文将测验考试用后古代主义这一批驳办法,剖析和商量小说的叙事技能和主题思惟,法语毕业论文,以解释福尔斯借后古代主义叙事技能完成了对维多利亚社会心识形状的批评,宣传了存在主义自在不雅,以此到达了叙事和主题的完善联合。全文共分五章:第一章:引见。简明引见了小说的创作配景和汗青意义。并解释本论文的构造支配和研究办法。第二章:小说的现状:后古代主义配景下的文学。引见了后古代主义发生成长的汗青必定性,后古代主义小说的主要特点,并在这一配景下,商量约翰·福尔斯的创作及其法国中尉的女人。第三章:法国中尉的女人中的后古代主义叙事技能。本章重点评论辩论了三种后古代主义叙事技能—讥讽性的第一人称叙事者,开放的终局,和汗青的运用—在小说中的详细运用。并解释这些技能经由过程读者和文本的互动关系适可而止地为主题思惟办事。第四章:法国中尉的女人中的后古代主义和人文思惟。第一部门引见了小说中的维多利亚世界及其社会思惟标准对人物的作用和约束。第二部门提出了小说中的另外一个世界,法语毕业论文,即女主人公萨拉所代表的自在息争放。 第五章:结论。法国中尉的女人既是对维多利亚小说的“重构”,也是对它的“解构”。后古代主义叙事技能及主题思惟的完善联合,可谓这部后古代主义小说的特点。这部佳作在21世纪的明天依然有其深入的社会汗青意义。


John Fowles' the French Lieutenant's woman is a excellent ancient novels, since its inception in 1969, and achieved great commercial value and artistic value. In twentieth Century from the perspective of the novel, tells the story of a generation in the middle of the nineteenth Century British Vitoria period love story. The hero and heroine Sarah and Charles experience the various options and struggle, free social constraints and worldly prejudice, on the road to freedom. In this paper, the examination with ancient doctrine the criticism of the way, analysis and discussion of the novel narrative skills and subject thought, to explain falls borrow ancient narrative skills completed the criticism of the Victorian social consciousness shape, publicize the existentialist free indecent, to reached the narration and subject of the perfect combination. The full text is divided into five chapters: Chapter 1: introduction. A brief introduction of the novel's writing background and historical significance. And explain the structure of the thesis and research methods. The second chapter: the present situation of the novel: the literature under the background of the ancient doctrine. After introduced the ancient doctrine occurred annals of the growth of necessity, characteristics of post modernism novels and in this context, to discuss John Fowles's creation and the French Lieutenant's Woman ". The third chapter: "the French Lieutenant's Woman" in the post ancient narrative skill. This chapter focuses on the comment debate the three ancient narrative skills, mocking the first person narrator, application of Open final, and history - in the novel applications in detail. And explain these skills work through the process of interaction between the reader and the text for the theme not overdo sth.. The fourth chapter: "the French Lieutenant's Woman" in the post ancient doctrine and the humanities thought. The first department introduces the influence in the novels of Vitoria world and social thoughts of the characters and standard constraints. The second part of the other world in the novel, the heroine Sara represents freedom and liberation. The fifth chapter: conclusion. "The French Lieutenant's Woman" is the Vitoria novel "Reconstruction", it is "deconstruction". Improve the joint after the ancient narrative skills and themes, which is characteristic of postmodernism novels. This masterpiece still has its deep social and historical significance in twenty-first Century tomorrow.


Contents   7-4   中文摘要   4-5   English Abstract   5-6   Acknowledgements   6-8   Introduction   8-10   Chapter One The Situation of the Novel-Literature in Postmodern Context   10-22       1.1 Overview of Postmodernism   10-13           1.1.1 What is Postmodernism?3   10-11           1.1.2 Background of the Emergence of Postmodernism   11-13       1.2 Important Features of the Postmodern Fiction   13-16       1.3 John Fowles’s View of Writing and The French Lieutenant’s Woman   16-22           1.3.1 John Fowles’s View of Writing   17-18           1.3.2 John Fowles and The French Lieutenant’s Woman   18-22   Chapter Two Postmodern Narratives in The French Lieutenant’s Woman   22-36       2.1 The Ironic First Person Narrator: a Violation of Traditional Fictional Rules   23-27       2.2 Multiple Endings: the Postmodernist Openness   27-31       2.3 Intertextuality: a Re-shaping of Fiction and History   31-36   Chapter Three Postmodernism and Humanism: ideology in The French Lieutenant’s Woman   36-57       3.1 The Victorian World: Humanist Beliefs Inscribed in Characters   37-47           3.1.1 Darwin and Social Darwinism   37-40           3.1.2 Existentialism   40-43           3.1.3 Women in Victorian Society   43-46           3.1.4 Sexual Repression   46-47       3.2 The Other World: the Mysterious Sarah as the Embodiment   47-57           3.2.1 Sarah, the Embodiment of Evolution and Emancipation   48-53           3.2.2 Sarah, a Female Product of Masculine Constructions   53-57   Conclusion   57-60   Bibliography   60-61  
