Abstract 4-6 摘要 7-9 Contents 9-11 Introduction 11-23 Chapter One Nature-Civilization Relationship 23-37 1.1 Industrial Civilization's Damage to Nature 23-29 1.2 Industrial Civilization's Oppression to Human Bionergy 29-33 1.3 Human's Alienation from Nature 33-37 Chapter Two Nature-Characters Relationship 37-53 2.1 Fowles's View on Man-Nature Relationship 38-41 2.2 Sarah and Mary:Natural and Sound Living Forms 41-48 2.3 Charles and Doctor Grogan:Explorers in Nature 48-51 2.4 Ernestina and Mrs.Poulteney:Cold Fishes to Nature 51-53 Chapter Three Nature-Morality Relationship 53-71 3.1 Relationship between Nature and Social Morality 53-59 3.2 Relationship between Moral Degeneration and Industrial Civilization 59-64 3.3 Generation of Natural Morality 64-71 Conclusion 71-75 Bibliography 75-81 Acknowledgements 81-83 |