中文摘要 3-8 Abstract 8-10 List of Figures 13-14 List of Tables 14-16 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 16-18 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 18-42 2.1 Sino-French relation 18-20 2.2 Culture, cross-cultural differences and self construal 20-30 2.2.1 Culture 20-22 2.2.2 Cross-cultural differences 22-28 2.2.3 The self construal 28-30 2.3 Comparison of French and Chinese cultural characteristics 30-38 2.3.1 Chinese culture 30-33 2.3.2 French culture 33-35 2.3.3 The comparison 35-38 2.4 Culture and Cross-cultural business process 38-42 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK AND METHODOLOGY 42-64 3.1 Research questions 42-43 3.2 Interviews 43-52 3.2.1 Interview method 43-48 3.2.2 Interview results 48-52 3.3 Hypothesis 52-53 3.4 Questionnaire 53-64 3.4.1 Creation of the questionnaire 54-57 3.4.2 Presentation of the questionnaire 57-64 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 64-98 4.1 Measurement validity and reliability 64-68 4.1.1 Measurement Validity 64-65 4.1.2 Measurement reliability 65-68 4.2 Demographic profile 68-71 4.3 Hypothesis Analysis 71-92 4.3.1 Hypothesis one: Collectivism 71-78 4.3.2 Hypothesis two: Avoidance of conflict 78-85 4.3.3 Hypothesis three: Rejection of woman manager 85-92 4.4 Discussions 92-98 4.4.1 The collectivism value of China 92-94 4.4.2 The avoidance of conflict of Chinese employees 94-95 4.4.3 Women managers and the femininity value of China 95-98 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 98-106 5.1 Recommendations 98-100 5.2 Guidelines 100-102 5.3 Limitations 102-103 5.4 Main findings 103-106 REFERENCES 106-111 致谢 111-113 APPENDIX 113-117 RESUME 117 |