
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


France is one of the traditional Eastern big country, the national long-term in the forefront of the world, since the long-term capital in the international system in the main position, in the international community display an important role. Therefore, the French communication policy also makes people pay close attention to. Africa living in a focal position in French communication Bangbian, is one of the pillars of communication of France and French communication behavior priority of bias. From the beginning of the French colonial Africa to today, the French and African countries have always maintained a close relationship. As always, poverty, backwardness and messy in Africa by the international community, long-term depression. But follow the globalization development and in Africa itself with self-improvement and African continent has shown itself vigor and potential, make the world watches, the eve of the country power competing influx of African inspired fierce competition. France insisted on the expansion of influence in Africa, especially in the French and African countries occupy a monopoly position, France will adhere to the influence in Africa as its own national benefits. Since the beginning of the new century whether Chirac still Nicolas Sarkozy are no exception of the Africa France placed in a priority position, to adapt to changes in the growth of the globalization and the African situation, adopt new policies in Africa, the goal is to secure France's traditional strengths in Africa, expand the influence of France in Africa. France in the new century, the non communication in the face of the complex international situation, the location of France in Africa by the impact of other countries. On the one hand, France and the United States in Africa for intense, the impact of France in Africa is gradually reduced, on the other hand, because of the impact of China and other emerging countries in Africa, the expansion of the French position was provocative. In addition, the French international economic growth is slow, the non investment constraints, changes in the international community is also a certain level of influence on the relationship between France and africa. In order to keep the French influence in Africa, France in the new century continue to adjust the non communication policy. Politically, France has advocated for the establishment of new partnerships with African countries, before turning to the unyielding France Africa relations; economy, enhance economic cooperation with African countries, and actively open up African market, enhanced to support; military cuts to African countries military intervention, dispensing with African countries in the military defense cooperation, with African countries and United Nations Protection wars in Africa; civilization, application method of history and speak good premise positive growth the Franco African relationship, and so on. French adjustment has many effects on non communication policy. For France, can increase the drag on the economy, improved the Franco African relationship, to strengthen the influence of France in Africa; and in Africa, France cut the interference of external affairs, African countries can achieve greater independence and increase the internal pressure, the African countries can double equivalence and French exchanges. In addition, the French swap for non communication policy on the eve of the African countries to compete in terms of growth in terms of new variables, the relationship between the country will be more complex.

