
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


Along with the acceleration of globalization, especially 20 century 90 years since the end of the month, into China's multinational companies to resolve encountered in the operation of the process of civilization and benefits conflict and the pursuit of career growth, gradually valued indigenous strategy implementation. The localization strategy of Multi-National Corporation is an inorganic system, the talent network job. Vhao. Net localization is the crux of the problem. People are all economic activity in the only dynamic identity, in transnational operation movement, corporate philosophy, childbirth skills to obtain sufficient display through the process of employees try to ability. The talent network job. Vhao. Net create, receive, application and reserve is a major part of the multinational operation strategy, and later of human capital to the city, is growing more and more by the eve of the multinational corporation value. The stranger of transnational human capital of has brought the profound influence to the Chinese, multinational firms hire local employees and for them to stop scientific management, both sponsorship deal with the Department of labor force employment problem, but also beneficial to progress the essence of our citizens; on the other hand, human capital indigenous aggravated the talent net job. Vhao. Net competition, Chinese enterprises can not face talent network job. Vhao. Net off the strict performance. Is to deeply studying the multinational corporation human capital lookin 'strategy, learning their experience in personnel management is a pressing matter of the moment. Therefore, this paper focuses on the discussion of the Multi-National Corporation, especially the human capital localization strategy in the implementation of the French Multi-National Corporation China. In this paper to Michelin cases test to discuss the French multinational companies in the Chinese market human capital indigenous strategy characteristics and on the basis of the theory of the firm summary obtained the French multinational company in China Human Capital indigenous management experience. The Multinational Corporation special is a French multinational indigenous human capital strategy of motivation, with strategic research for the supply of local enterprises in China can study and create their own ancestors talent net job with the desire. Vhao. The net control method, which can in the increasingly fierce talent network job. Vhao. Net competition to gain a foothold.


引言   5-7   第一章 跨国企业本土化战略   7-12       第一节 跨国企业在中国总体情况介绍   7-9           一、 跨国企业在中国   7-8           二、 法国跨国企业在中国   8-9       第二节 本土化:跨国企业中国战略趋势   9-12           一、 跨国企业本土化的动因   9           二、 本土化战略的主要内容   9-12   第二章 跨国企业人力资源本土化理论   12-17       第一节 跨国企业人力资源本土化战略   12-13       第二节 人力资源本土化的理论基础   13-17           一、 国际人力资源管理理论   13-15           二、 跨文化管理理论   15-17   第三章 跨国企业人力资源本土化探讨   17-22       第一节 人力资源本土化的原因   17-19           一、 取得东道国政府的信任,树立公司的新形象   17           二、 避免社会文化异同,使企业的经营行为符合中国的国情   17-18           三、 降低劳动力成本   18           四、 保证了企业管理人员的相对稳定   18           五、 保证企业本土化战略的实施   18-19       第二节 人力资源本土化战略探讨   19-22           一、 人力资源本土化的发展   19           二、 人力资源本土化的途径   19-22   第四章 米其林企业人力资源本土化略论   22-37       第一节 米其林企业介绍   22-23           一、 米其林企业基本情况介绍   22           二、 米其林企业在中国的投资情况与近况   22-23       第二节 米其林企业的人力资源本土化战略   23-33           一、 从员工组成方面看企业人力资源本土化:招聘人才   24-27           二、 从员工培训方面看企业人力资源本土化:注重员工发展   27-29           三、 从员工绩效考核看企业人力资源本土化:对员工做出合理评价   29-30           四、 从薪酬与激励机制看企业人力资源本土化:留住人才   30-32           五、 从职业生涯发展角度看企业的人力资源本土化:促进员工发展   32-33       第三节 法国在华公司人力资源本土化管理特点及其借鉴意义   33-37           一、 法国在华公司人力资源本土化管理特点   33-35           二、 法国跨国企业人力资源管理的借鉴意义   35-37   第五章 跨国企业人力资源本土化对中国公司的作用与对策   37-42       第一节 中国国有公司的人力资源管理近况   37-38           一、 国有公司人力资源管理制度的制定与实施近况   37           二、 国有公司人力资源开发和管理中存在的问题   37-38       第二节 跨国企业人力资源本土化的作用和对策   38-42           一、 跨国企业人力资源本土化对中国公司的作用   38-39           二、 跨国企业人力资源本土化的对策   39-42   结论   42-43   附录 法美跨国企业人力资源管理特点比较   43-44   参考文献   44-46   致谢   46  
