
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


In recent years, mainland China set off the climax of a wine, about wine costs, investment and collection into the big concern for the popular, is to a Bordeaux wine in the international market marketing strategy and response results of the research is of great value. Especially French Bordeaux wine is affirm Yuanyang, Bordeaux as traditional French wine regions, with distant of wine culture and advanced wine brewing process, the accumulation of a strange and pre empt the wine marketing strategy, the marketing strategy includes not only the some traditional marketing plan and form, and keep pace with the times and improvise new strategy, strategy of these differences in different aspects for Bordeaux wines in the world implementation shows superior marketing consequences. China as a big emerging economies, along with the ceaseless progress of the people life level will become future in the world the most potential of the wine market. Our country in the wine business growth, there are many unique advantages, through the process of Bordeaux wine world marketing strategy analysis and research, contribute to China's focus on the premise itself, pursuit of utility to the growth of their own wine possessions, a wine business and relevant business activities has important practical significance. In the Nianye caused is divided into six parts. First part is the introduction, mainly introduces the research aim and practical significance; second overall summary of worldwide wine marketing strategy and effect of all kinds of strategy to develop identity; the third sector mainly introduces the French Bordeaux export growth status; the Fourth Department set analyzed the diversification of French Bordeaux wine marketing strategy, both the traditional marketing way, and some times of innovative forms of marketing; the fifth part as a consequence of Bordeaux wine export marketing; part six summarizes the Bordeaux export marketing experience and the development of China's wine business inspired. Among them, the fourth sector and the fifth sector is the focus of this paper, Bordeaux, France, these mature wine marketing strategy and experience, the growth of China's wine business has a good lure and self influence.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   目录   6-8   0 导论   8-11       0.1 探讨目的与现实意义   8-9           0.1.1 探讨目的   8           0.1.2 现实意义   8-9       0.2 探讨特色与创新之处   9-11           0.2.1 略论一般性策略   9           0.2.2 寻找创新性策略   9-10           0.2.3 借鉴波尔多经验   10-11   1 葡萄酒出口营销策略及其作用因素   11-16       1.1 葡萄酒出口营销策略   11-13           1.1.1 产品策略   11-12           1.1.2 定价策略   12           1.1.3 渠道策略   12-13           1.1.4 传播策略   13       1.2 作用葡萄酒出口的主要因素   13-16           1.2.1 经济因素   13-14           1.2.2 文化因素   14           1.2.3 品牌因素   14           1.2.4 竞争者因素   14-16   2 法国波尔多葡萄酒的出口发展近况   16-18       2.1 波尔多葡萄酒产区简介   16-17       2.2 法国波尔多葡萄酒的出口发展历程   17-18   3 法国波尔多葡萄酒的出口营销策略   18-28       3.1 全面的产品策略   18-22           3.1.1 种类齐全的产品   18-19           3.1.2 严格的 AOC 分级   19-20           3.1.3 世界知名的列级酒庄   20-21           3.1.4 创新性的列级酒副牌   21-22       3.2 高效的传播策略   22-24           3.2.1 人员传播   22-23           3.2.2 关系营销   23-24       3.3 与时俱进的定价策略   24       3.4 多样化的渠道策略   24-28           3.4.1 与国外酒业巨擘的合作   24-26           3.4.2 与法国本土葡萄酒销售商的合作   26-27           3.4.3 引进外资做推广   27-28   4 法国波尔多葡萄酒出口营销策略的效应   28-34       4.1 出口规模世界领先   28-29       4.2 出口地区结构有所改善   29-31       4.3 出口价格保持高位   31-32       4.4 出口产品结构不断完善   32-34   5 波尔多葡萄酒出口营销策略经验及对我国的启示   34-37       5.1 法国波尔多葡萄酒出口营销策略的经验   34-35       5.2 对我国的启示   35-37   参考文献   37-40   致谢   40-41  
